Telephone numbers in Benin
Country Code: +229
International Call Prefix: 00
Trunk Prefix:
Calling formats
- yyxx xxxx Calls within Benin
- +229 yyxx xxxx Calls from outside Benin
The NSN length is eight digits.
List of area codes in Benin
Area/Region | Area Code |
Atacora, Donga, Alibori, Borgou | 23 |
Littoral, Atlantique | 21 |
Mono, Couffo, Zou, Collines | 22 |
Ouémé, Plateau | 20 |
City/Town | Old Number | New Number |
Ouémé, Plateau | ||
Ongala | 21 XXXX | 20 21 XXXX |
Kandiévé | 22 XXXX | 20 22 XXXX |
Sèmè | 24 XXXX | 20 24 XXXX |
Pobè, Kétou | 25 XXXX | 20 25 XXXX |
Sakété, Igolo | 26 XXXX | 20 26 XXXX |
Adjohoun | 27 XXXX | 20 27 XXXX |
Fixed cellular | 29 XXXX | 20 29 XXXX |
Littoral, Atlantique | ||
Cadjehoun | 30 XXXX | 21 30 XXXX |
Ganhi | 31 XXXX | 21 31 XXXX |
Jéricho | 32 XXXX | 21 32 XXXX |
Akpakpa | 33 XXXX | 21 33 XXXX |
Ouidah | 34 XXXX | 21 34 XXXX |
Godomey | 35 XXXX | 21 35 XXXX |
Abomey-Calaci | 36 XXXX | 21 36 XXXX |
Allada | 37 XXXX | 21 37 XXXX |
Kouhounou Fixe | 38 XXXX | 21 38 XXXX |
Fixed cellular | 39 XXXX | 21 39 XXXX |
Maritime radio | 73 6XXX | 21 73 6XXX |
Mono, Couffo, Zou, Collines | ||
Lokossa | 41 XXXX | 22 41 XXXX |
Come | 43 XXXX | 22 43 XXXX |
Dogbo | 46 XXXX | 22 46 XXXX |
Fixed cellular | 49 XXXX | 22 49 XXXX |
Abomey | 50 XXXX | 22 50 XXXX |
Bohicon | 51 XXXX | 22 51 XXXX |
Covè | 52 XXXX | 22 52 XXXX |
Dassa-Zoumé | 53 XXXX | 22 53 XXXX |
Savalou | 54 XXXX | 22 54 XXXX |
Savè | 55 XXXX | 22 55 XXXX |
Fixed cellular | 59 XXXX | 22 59 XXXX |
Atacora, Donga, Alibori, Borgou | ||
Parakou | 61 XXXX | 23 61 XXXX |
Nikki, Ndali | 62 XXXX | 23 62 XXXX |
Kandi, Gogounou, Ségbana | 63 XXXX | 23 63 XXXX |
Banikoara | 65 XXXX | 23 65 XXXX |
Malanville | 67 XXXX | 23 67 XXXX |
Djougou | 80 XXXX | 23 80 XXXX |
Natitingou | 82 XXXX | 23 82 XXXX |
Tanguiéta | 83 XXXX | 23 83 XXXX |
Mobile phone numbers
Mobile phone numbers in Benin, are prefixed by:
0x 1129 40 42 44 60 64 68 69 87 89 90-93 95-98
- Benin dial codes - accessed 27 April 2010.
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