Telephone numbers in Wallis and Futuna

Country Code: +681
International Call Prefix: 00

The local telephone numbers in Wallis and Futuna are six digits long.

Number format: +681 XX XXXX

Number plan

Number range Service
+681 40 XXXX Mobile telephony services - Manuia - Forwarding to voicemail
+681 499 XXX Mobile telephony services - Manuia - Roaming Number (MSRN)
+681 72 XXXX Fixed telephony services
+681 80 XXXX Mobile telephony services - Manuia - Voicemail remote access
+681 82 XXXX Mobile telephony services - Manuia - Wallis subscribers
+681 83 XXXX Mobile telephony services - Manuia - Futuna subscribers


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