Åhlinska skolan

Åhlinska skolan (Åhlin School), or Åhlinska flickskolan (Åhlin Girls' School), was a Swedish Girls school in Stockholm, active from 1847 until 1939. It was one of the eldest schools in Sweden which offered serious academic education to female students.
The school was founded by Karin Åhlin in 1847. It was managed as a private girl school, initially with only Åhlin and her sisters as teachers, and expanded from 14 students in 1847 to 45 in 1857, changing localities and expanding its activity as the number of students grew. Eventually, it also included a co-educational primary education school.
In 1891, it became a Gymnasium (school) for females, and in 1894, it was given the right to issue first professional degrees. It belonged to the first four girl schools with this right, after Wallinska skolan in 1874, Ateneum för flickor (The Ateneum for Girls), and Lyceum för flickor (The Lyceum for Girls) in 1882. In 1896, the school included a seminar for female teachers. Around the year 1900, the Åhlinska skolan was the largest girl school in Sweden, and during the 1930s, it had around 700 students.
Among its noted students were Frida Stéenhoff.
In 1939, the school was united with the Wallinska skolan to the co-educational Wallin-Åhlinska gymnasiet (Wallin-Åhlin Gymnasium) as a result of the new educational reform.
- SSM_Sydvastra_Vasastaden__byggnadshistorisk_1987_02.pdf”. Stockholms stadsmuseum, Sydvästra Vasastaden, byggnadsinventering 1987
- ÅHLINSKA SKOLAN (1847-1939, SE/SSA/0795 Stockholms stadsarkiv, Christina Hellgren]
- Elever i icke obligatoriska-skolor-1864-1970. Promemorier från SCB. 1977
- Sara Backman Prytz: Borgerlighetens döttrar och söner. Kvinnliga och manliga ideal bland läroverksungdomar, ca. 1880−1930 2014
Coordinates: 59°20′18.47″N 18°2′57.18″E / 59.3384639°N 18.0492167°E