Đái Duy Ban

Đái Duy Ban
Born (1937-09-22) September 22, 1937
Quang Hai, Quang Xuong, Thanh Hoa, Vietnam
Citizenship  Vietnam

Đái Duy Ban (born on September 22, 1937) is a Vietnamese professor, academician, doctor sciences, and famous medical doctor. Former Director of Institute for Applied Biochemistry at Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, he has been currently as the founder of DAIBIO Company and DAIBIO Great Traditional Medicine Family Clinic, Member of Scientific Council of the international Centre of Biocybernetic - Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemtry, President of Vietnam Medial Biochemical Association, Director - in - Chief of Vietnam Journal of Biochemical and Medical, Rector of Van Xuan University of Technology, President of Institute Research Education and Transfer Biotechnology.


Prof.Aca.D.Sc Dai Duy Ban was born in the village of Dai, Quang Hai, Quang Xuong, Thanh Hoa Province in Vietnam.

o The founder of DAIBIO Company and DAIBIO Great Traditional Medicine Family Clinic. [2]
o President of the Research, Education and Transfer – Institute for Biotechnology in Vietnam.
o Director of Institute of Vietnam Cultural and Economics Human Development.
o President of Vietnam National Biomedical Association.[3]
o Member of Scientific Council of the International Centre of Biocybernetic – Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemtry.
o Member of Vietnam Biotechnology Science Committee.
o Member of the Vietnam Scientific Council of Cybernetics.
o Director - in - Chief of Vietnam Journal of Biochemical and Medical.
o Rector of Van Xuan University of Technology.

Academic career


He has been currently the Molecular Biologist with over 350 inventions about Molecular Biology that announced in several science magazines in many countries. Here is the selected valued list:

  1. Dai Duy Ban and A.Przelecka: (Announcement in Japan in English): The influence of starvation on Ribonucleic acid and Protein Synthesis in the Mid-gut Epithelium of Galleria mellonells larvac. Folia Histochemica et Cytochemica 11, 177-184, 1973.[13]
  2. Dai Duy Ban: (Announcement in Poland in English): Influence of starvation on Metabolic Activities of the Midgut Epithelium of Galleria mellonella Larvae. Folia Histochemica et Cytochemica 12, 145-156. 1974.
  3. Dai Duy Ban: (Announcement in Japan in English): Cytochemical visualization of calcium binding to the plasma membrane of L 1210 lymphoid leukemic cells. Acta histochem 65, 160 – 167, 1979.
  4. Dai Duy Ban and J.Kawiak: (Announcement in Poland in English): Nucleotidase of L 1210 Cells. Cytochemical and Kinetic Studies, Folia Histochemica et Cytochemica, 29 – 36, 1979.
  5. Dai Duy Ban: (Announcement in Japan in English): Adenosine Triphospha tases on Plasma. Membrane Surrounding Lipid Vacuoles in L 1210 lymphoid Leukemic Cells. Cell structure and Function 5, 211-215, 1980.[14]
  6. Dai Duy Ban and Aleksandra Przetecka: (Announcement in Poland in English): Surface Coat of Plasma Membrane of L 1210 lymphoid Leukemia Cells. A Cytochemical study, Folia Histochemica et cytochemica. 19, 3 – 10, 1981.
  7. Dai Duy Ban and A.Przelecka (Announcement in Vietnam in English): The studies on the mitochondrial ultrastructure and some enzymes associated with it of L 1210 lymphoid leukemic cells. Revue Médicale 1987.
  8. A. Przelecka and Dai Duy Ban: (Announcement in Poland in English): Visualization of Binding Sites of Calcium and its Analogue – Cadmium in Acanthamoeba Cells, Acta Protozoologica 27, 135-140, 1988.[15]



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