
Total population
(Unknown, see text)
Regions with significant populations
 Croatia: Slavonia and Baranja
 Serbia: Vojvodina
 Hungary: Baranya County
 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Croatian and Hungarian
Roman Catholicism
Related ethnic groups
Bunjevci, Croats and Serbs

Šokci (Croatian: Šokci, Hungarian: Sokácok, Serbian: Шокци / Šokci) are an ethnographic group of South Slavs mainly identified as Croats. They are not considered a separate ethnicity in Croatia[1] and elsewhere, while in Serbia they are recorded as an ethnic group in censuses per self-declaration. They live in various settlements along the Danube and Sava rivers in the historic regions of Slavonia, Baranya, Syrmia and western Bačka. These regions today span eastern Croatia, southeastern Hungary, and northern Serbia. Šokci are considered natives in Slavonia and Syrmia in Croatia.


Šokci are considered to be a native population of Slavonia and Syrmia in Croatia.[2] The Croatian Bureau of Statistics does not record the Šokci as a separate narodnost (2001).[1] According to the 2011 census in Serbia, 607 people declared as ethnic Šokci.[3] Outside of Slavonia and Syrmia, they live in the settlements of Bački Monoštor, Sonta, Sombor, Bački Breg in Bačka, Serbia, and Hercegszántó in Hungary.


There are several hypotheses on the origin of the name Šokci-Šokac.

Eastern Slavonia and western Syrmia in Croatia is often referred to as Šokadija ("land of the Šokci"),[2] although the term is not geographically limited, it is rather a general moniker for the Šokac "ancestral land".[7]


The origin of Šokci people is not completely clear.

The Serbian Orthodox Church historically regarded the population as "Serbs of Roman Catholic faith".[9]


17th century

The earliest known Ottoman Turkish defter that mentions the Šokci dates from 1615, a ferman by sultan Ahmed I, dated Safer 9, 1024 according to the Islamic calendar, in which he referred to them as the population of the "Latin faith" whose "religion is completely different from the faith of the Serbs, Greeks and Vlachs". They are also mentioned in the documents of the Roman Catholic Church where they requested Jeronim Lučić to become the bishop of Bosnia and Slavonia in 1635, and in one writing from the time when Eugene of Savoy invaded Ottoman territory down to Sarajevo in 1697.

18th century

In the 1702 census of Đakovo, one of the cities that was retaken from the Ottoman Empire following the Treaty of Karlowitz, there were 500-600 inhabitants described as Catholic Slav/Slavonian (Latin: Slavi catholicae fidae).[10] Tadija Smičiklas later republished the same census and used the terms "Slovinci" and/or "Šokci", and claimed 400 inhabitants.[10] According to the contemporary Antun Kanižlić (1699–1766), the term Šokci was a slang reference to Catholic Slavonians that was used by the Orthodox.[10]

According to the Austrian census in Bačka from 1715, Serbs, Bunjevci, and Šokci comprised 97.6% of population.[11] The 1720 census in Bačka recorded 72% Serbs and 22% Bunjevci and Šokci.[12] After the Treaty of Passarowitz (1718), the first Habsburg census recorded in Banat about 20,000 citizens, mostly Serbs.[13]

19th century

In the old Austro-Hungarian censuses there was large number of Šokci, both in Croatia/Slavonia and in Vojvodina. According to the 1840 data, the population of Croatia and Slavonia numbered 1,605,730 people, of which 777,880 (48%) were Croats, 504,179 (32%) Serbs, and 297,747 (19%) Šokci. The Šokci were concentrated in the Požega, Virovitica, and Syrmia counties, and in the Slavonian Military Frontier.

20th century

According to the 1910 census in Austria-Hungary, there were 88,209 Bunjevci and Šokci in the Hungarian part.[14]


Vojvodina data from the 2002 census indicates villages where a significant population declared their ethnicity as Šokci. The villages where there is a significant presence of Šokci who declare their ethnicity as Croats are not indicated on the map.

Šokci living in Croatia and Hungary, as well as many of those living in Serbia, today usually consider themselves to be a subgroup of Croats. In Serbia, Šokci and Bunjevci have been recorded as a separate "modality" or national or ethnic affiliation by the national census in 1991 and 2002.[15] Unlike Bunjevci, the other Catholic Slavic group from the same area, Šokci mostly declare themselves as Croats rather than the separate group, and some have also declared themselves Yugoslavs in the census. In the 1991 census, there were 1,922 declared Šokci in what has later become Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and a much larger number of Croats. The population that declared "Šokci" as an ethnicity in the 2002 census is small and appears in summary lists under "Other", while there were over 70,000 declared Croats.[16] The choice of ethnicity between "Šokac" and "Croat" that is promoted in Serbia is described by scholars in Croatia as bizarre and harmful, because it exacerbates the Šokac myths of independence and antiquity, puts them into the realm of political folklore and helps provoke various 19th-century conflicts between the Croats and the Serbs.[17]

In general, the number and the percentage of the Šokci has decreased because of an unwritten policy that each family should have only one child, because they did not wish to divide their estate and other riches in each following generation. Unfortunately such a practice worked up until the 19th/20th century, at which point they were practically overwhelmed in number by the immigrants which had a much larger reproduction rate (certainly over two children per family at the time).

Villages with numerous Šokac population in the region of Bačka are: Sonta (Apatin municipality), Bački Breg and Bački Monoštor (Sombor municipality). In 2002 census in Serbia, most of the inhabitants of these villages declared themselves as Croats.

Most of the Hungarian Šokci live in the Baranya region, particularly in the town of Mohács.


Catholic Church in the Šokac village of Sonta, Serbia

The Šokci are Roman Catholic by faith and follow the Latin Rite.


The Šokci speak an old-Shtokavian Slavonian sub-dialect that is almost exclusively spoken by Šokci and closely related to Bunjevac dialect. The Slavonian dialect has a mixed Ikavian and Ekavian accent: Ikavian is predominant in Posavina, Baranja, Bačka and in the Slavonian sub-dialect enclave of Derventa; and Ekavian in Podravina. There are also enclaves of one accent in the territory of the other, and also of mixed EkavianIkavian and JekavianIkavian accents. In some villages in Hungary, the original Slavic yat sound is preserved.


Šokci people celebrating the end of winter in traditional masks, in Mohács, Southern Hungary, in February 2006
Šokci traditional dress from Požega-Slavonia County


Many of the traditions of the Šokci are influenced by their environment - they live in the fertile Pannonian plain where they cultivate grains and corn in large fields surrounding their villages. The villages often have one main street (šor) where each subsequent family house has auxiliary buildings and a spacious yard, as well as a water well. The central street is surrounded on both sides by water channels, which have small crossings in order for one to reach the house.

Families often keep poultry, particularly ducks and geese, although the main source of meat are the pigs, which are almost inevitably kept by a Šokac. They enjoy pork-based products such as ham, sausages (particularly kulen) and bacon. These products are customarily obtained by the traditional autumn slaughtering. The most common fruit are plums, not least because it is often fermented into liquor called rakija.

The abundance in which they have traditionally lived has made the Šokci a naturally merry people, who pay a lot of attention to folklore. Each Šokac village inevitably has a cultural society where they cultivate their folk songs and dances. A popular folk custom is the bećarac. They also hold a yearly festivity called the "Šokačko sijelo", held over a nine-day period in February, being the largest traditional event in the area of Posavina near Županja, featuring local culture and traditions.


The most recognisable feature of Šokci culture is their music which is played mostly on the tambura instrument. Many tambura bands achieved nationwide fame in Croatia. The body of the tambura was traditionally made of the wood of maple, poplar or plum trees, while today it's mostly made of spruce or fir trees. Another instruments used in the past was the bagpipe. The traditional wedding festivities are paid much attention to, sometimes even catching the attention of entire villages.

Folk costumes

The traditional outfit of the Šokci, called the rubina, is made of white linen cloth with lace decorations, and the main part of it is a blouse called oplećak i krila. The women mostly wear the entire outfit only in the summer, replacing it with a wool skirt in the winter. The most esteemed decoration of a Šokac outfit are the gold coins known as dukati (ducats). A rich Šokac girl would have a large number of dukati weaved onto her chest not only as a decoration but as a clear sign that she comes from a wealthy family.

Prominent individuals


See also

Part of a series on
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Šokci.


  1. 1 2 Croatian 2001 census, detailed classification by nationality
  2. 1 2 Ljubica Gligorević (2004). "Etnološke znakovitosti". Vukovarsko-srijemska županija (special ed.). SN Privlačica Vinkovci / Vukovar-Srijem County. pp. 60–69. Retrieved 2012-02-14.
  3. Попис становништва, домаћинстава и станова 2011. у Републици Србији: Становништво према националној припадности - „Oстали“ етничке заједнице са мање од 2000 припадника и двојако изјашњени
  4. 1 2 3 International Society for Ethnology and Folklore. International Congress (2004). Times, Places, Passages: Ethnological Approaches in the New Millennium. Akadémiai Kiadó. p. 115. ISBN 978-963-05-7919-3.
  5. 1 2 3 Proceedings for social sciences 47. Matica srpska. 1967. p. 135–137.
  6. Matija Petar Katančić (1798). De Istro ejusque adcolis commentatio in qua autochthones illyrii ex genere Thracio advenae item apud illyrios a primis rerum publicarum temporibus ad nostram usque aetatem praesertim quod originem, linguam et literaturam eorumdem spectat deducuntur, aucto. typis Universitatis Pestinensis. pp. 109–.
  7. 1 2 3 Pšihistal, 2011, pp. 86–88
  8. Hadžihusejnović-Valašek, 1993, p. 182
  9. Srpska pravoslavna mitropolija karlovačka: po podacima od 1905. Saborski odbor. 1910. p. 474. Под именом Буњевци и Шокци разумемо Србе римок
  10. 1 2 3 Fine, 2006, p. 481
  11. http://hic.hr/books/seeurope/011e-bognar.htm
  12. Jovan Pejin, Velikomađarski kapric, Zrenjanin, 2007, page 28.
  13. Milan Tutorov, Banatska rapsodija, Novi Sad, 2001, page 261.
  14. Charles W. Ingrao; Franz A. J. Szabo (2008). The Germans and the East. Purdue University Press. pp. 173–. ISBN 978-1-55753-443-9.
  15. "Methodological explanations" (ZIP/PDF). 2002 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings. Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. May 2003. p. 8. Retrieved 2012-02-14.
  16. "Final Results of the Census 2002" (PDF). Republic of Serbia - Republic Statistical Office. 2002-12-24. Retrieved 2012-02-14.
  17. Pšihistal, 2011, p. 105
  18. 1 2 "Olić za petak najavio svoj klasični angažman: 'Prolit ću znoja i za pet utakmica!'" (in Croatian). Zagreb: Jutarnji.hr.
  19. "IVAN RAKITIĆ OTKRIO ŽIDAKU 'Igram najbolje u karijeri jer sam uz Raquel najsretniji u životu'" (in Croatian). Zagreb: Jutarnji.hr. U mojem selu, u Sikirevcima, ima mnoštvo Rakitića, ali samo jedan mi je rođak. A svi se zovu Ivan Rakitić. Šokci smo sto posto...
  20. (Croatian) Hrvatski glasnik br.33/2007. Počasni građanin Santova, 16 August 2007, p. 5


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