12373 Lancearmstrong
12373 Lancearmstrong, provisional designation 1994 JE9, is an asteroid from the inner regions of the asteroid belt, approximately 5 kilometers in diameter. It was discovered on 15 May 1994, by American astronomer and software engineer Charles de Saint-Aignan after examining films taken at Palomar Observatory, California.[4]
The asteroid orbits the Sun at a distance of 2.2–2.7 AU once every 3 years and 10 months (1,401 days). Its orbit has an eccentricity of 0.12 and an inclination of 7° with respect to the ecliptic.[1]

Orbital diagram
As of 2016, the asteroid's effective size, its composition and albedo, as well as its rotation period and shape remains unknown. Based on an absolute magnitude of 14.2, it measures between 4 and 8 kilometers in diameter, assuming an albedo in the range of 0.05 to 0.25. Since asteroids in the inner main-belt are often of a silicaceous rather than of a carbonaceous composition, with albedos, typically around 0.20, its diameter is likely to be between 4 and 6 kilometers.[3]
The minor planet was named after American Lance Armstrong (b. 1971), former professional road racing cyclist. Despite being diagnosed with metastatic testicular cancer, he recovered and returned to cycling. At the time this minor planet was named, he had won the Tour de France three times and encouraged athletes and cancer survivors worldwide.[2][5] In 2012, he was stripped of his Tour de France victories after a doping scandal.
See also
External links