1835 English cricket season

1835 English cricket season
Cricket formats first-class and single wicket

Powerless to prevent the use of roundarm, MCC in the 1835 English cricket season finally amended the Laws of Cricket to make it legal.

The relevant part of the Law stated: if the hand be above the shoulder in the delivery, the umpire must call "No Ball". Bowlers’ hands now started to go above the shoulder and the 1835 Law had to be reinforced in 1845 by removing benefit of the doubt from the bowler in the matter of his hand’s height when delivering the ball.

The Laws were also changed to enforce a compulsory follow on if 100 runs behind on first innings.

First-class matches

1835 match list


Nottinghamshire as a county team, and perhaps also as Notts CCC, played its first inter-county match v. Sussex at Brown’s Ground, Brighton on 27 to 29 August. Previous matches involved Nottingham as a town rather than Notts as a county. Notts is recognised as a first-class county team from 1835.

The lease of Lord's Cricket Ground was transferred to JH Dark, who remained proprietor until 1864.

Leading batsmen

James Cobbett was the leading runscorer with 156 @ 15.60

Other leading batsmen were: EG Wenman, J Taylor, CJ Harenc, CA Wilkinson, CH Parnther, GM Giffard

Leading bowlers

William Lillywhite was the leading wicket-taker with 42

Other leading bowlers were: S Redgate, J Cobbett, T Barker, G Brown, J Broadbridge


    Annual reviews

    Further reading

    External links

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