1972 in paleontology

List of years in paleontology
In science

Paleontology, palaeontology or [palæontology (from Greek: paleo, "ancient"; ontos, "being"; and logos, "knowledge") is the study of prehistoric life forms on Earth through the examination of plant and animal fossils.[1] This includes the study of body fossils, tracks (ichnites), burrows, cast-off parts, fossilised feces (coprolites), palynomorphs and chemical residues. Because mankind has encountered fossils for millennia, paleontology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a science. This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that occurred or were published in the year 1972.


New bivalves

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


Gen nov


Babin & Melou



new genus for Nucula ponderata


Newly named basal archosauromorphs

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


gen et sp nov



Late Triassic


Newly named dinosaurs

Data courtesy of George Olshevsky's dinosaur genera list.[4]

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


gen nov



Late Cretaceous

Iren Dabasu Formation


an ornithomimid


gen nov




Horseshoe Canyon Formation


an ornithomimid, possibly a synonym of Ornithomimus


gen et sp nov

Valid taxon

Osmólska, Roniewicz Barsbold

Late Cretaceous

Nemegt Formation


an ornithomimid


Nomen nudum.


Late Triassic


informal name for undescribed ?prosauropod


gen et sp nov



Early Jurassic


a sauropod

Newly named birds

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images

Anserobranta tarabukini [9]

Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.


Evgeny N. Kurochkin

I. M. Ganya

Late Miocene

MN 9



An Anatidae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Aptenodytes ridgeni [10]

Sp. nov.


George G. Simpson

Late Pliocene


 New Zealand

A Spheniscidae.

Apus submelba [11]

Sp. nov.


Dénes Jánossy

Middle Pleistocene



An Apodidae.

Ardeagrandis arborea [9]

Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.


Evgeny N. Kurochkin

I. M. Ganya

Late Miocene

MN 9



An Ardeidae.

Eostrix martinellii [12]

Sp. nov.


Larry D. Martin

Craig C. Black

Early Eocene

Wind River Formation



An Strigiformes, Protostrigidae Wetmore, 1933.

Mergus connectens [11]

Sp. nov.


Dénes Jánossy

Early Pleistocene

MQ 1b

 Czech Republic;


An Anatidae.

Miocitta galbreathi [13]

Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.


Pierce Brodkorb

Late Miocene

Kenmesaw Local Fauna



A Corvidae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Otis kalmani [11]

Sp. nov.


Dénes Jánossy

Early Pleistocene

MQ 1a


An Otididae.

Paraptenodytes brodkorbi [14]

Sp. nov.

Synonym of Paraptenodytes robustus (Ameghino, 1895).

George G. Simpson

Early Miocene

Patagonian Formation


A Spheniscidae, placed in synonymy with Paraptenodytes robustus (Ameghino, 1895) by Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche, 2005,[15] but Sara Bertelli, Norberto P. Giannini & Daniel T. Ksepka, 2006 disagree with her and say it needs another genus.[16] .

Phalacrocorax lautus [9]

Sp. nov.


Evgeny N. Kurochkin

I. M. Ganya

Late Miocene



A Phalacrocoracidae.

Probalearica moldavica [9]

Sp. nov.


Evgeny N. Kurochkin

I. M. Ganya

Late Miocene

MN 9



A Gruidae, transferred to the genus Grus by Jíří Mlíkovský, 2002.[17]

Protocitta ajax [13]

Sp. nov.


Pierce Brodkorb

Late Pliocene





A Corvidae, sometimes placed in the genus Calocitta G. R. Gray, 1841.

Pygoscelis tyreei [10]

Sp. nov.


George G. Simpson

Late Pliocene


 New Zealand

A Spheniscidae.

Rustaviornis georgicus [18]

Gen. nov. et Sp. nov.


Nikolay I. Burchak-Abramovich

G. K. Meladze

Late Miocene


Hipparion Fauna



A Phasianidae, this is the type species of the new genus.

Strix collongensis [19]

Sp. nov.


Peter Ballmann

Middle Miocene

Mn 5


A Strigidae, transferred to and made the type species of the new genus Alasio by Jirí Mlíkovský, 1998.[20]

Surnia capeki [21]

Sp. nov.


Dénes Jánossy

Early Pleistocene

MQ 1b

 Czech Republic

A Strigidae.

Tertiariaporphyrula lungi [9]

Sp. nov.


Evgeny N. Kurochkin

I. M. Ganya

Late Miocene

MN 9-11



A Rallidae, transferred to the genus Palaeoaramides Lambrecht, 1933 by Storrs L. Olson, 1977.[22] Subsequently made the type species of a separate genus Mioporphyrula by Zelenkov (2015).[23]

Tyto noeli [24]

Sp. nov.


Oscar Arredondo

Late Pleistocene

Cave deposits


A Tytonidae.

Tyto riveroi [25]

Sp. nov.


Oscar Arredondo


Cave deposits


A Tytonidae.

Newly named onithodirans

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images


gen et sp nov




Chañares Formation


a Silesaurid.


Newly named therapsids

Name Novelty Status Authors Age Unit Location Notes Images





 South Africa

a regisaurid.

Regisaurus jacobi


  1. ↑ Gini-Newman, Garfield; Graham, Elizabeth (2001). Echoes from the past: world history to the 16th century. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd. ISBN 9780070887398. OCLC 46769716.
  2. ↑ Sánchez, T.M. (1999). "New Late Ordovician (Early Caradoc) Bivalves from the Sierra de Villicum (Argentine Precordillera)". Journal of Paleontology 73 (1): 66–76. JSTOR 1306745.
  3. ↑ Dutuit, J.M. 1972. Decouverte d'un dinosaure ornthischien dans le Trias supericur de l'Atlas occidental marocain. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris D275: pp. 2841-2844.
  4. ↑ Olshevsky, George. "Dinogeorge's Dinosaur Genera List". Retrieved 2008-08-07.
  5. 1 2 Russell, D.A. 1972. Ostrich dinosaurs from the Late Cretaceous of Western Canada. Can. J. Earth Sci. 9: pp. 375-402.
  6. ↑ Osmolska, H., E. Roniewicz, and R. Barsbold. 1972. A new dinosaur Gallimimus bullatus, n. gen. n. sp. (Ornithomimidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Mongolia. Palaeontol. Polonica 27: pp. 103-143.
  7. ↑ Ellenberger, P. 1972. Contribution a la classification des pistes de vertebres du Trias: les types du Stormberg d’Afrique du Sud (I). Palaeovertebrata Memories Extraord(1972): pp. 1-152.
  8. ↑ Raath, M.A. 1972. Fossil vertebrate studies in Rhodesia: a new dinosaur (Reptilia: Saurischia) from near the Trias-Jurassic Boundary. Arnoldia Rhodesia. 5 (30): 1-37.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 Evgeny N. Kurochkin & I. M. Ganya (1972). "[Birds of the Middle Sarmatian of Moldavia.]". Pozvonochnye neogena i plestocena Moldavii. Kishinev: Shtiintsa: 45–70.
  10. 1 2 George G. Simpson (1972). "Pliocene Penguins from North Canterburry, New Zealand". Records of the Canterburry Museum 9: 159–182.
  11. 1 2 3 Dénes Jánossy (1972). "Die Mittelpleistozäne Vogelfauna der Stránská Skála". Anthropos, Studia Musei Moraviae, Brno (N.S.) 20: 35–64.
  12. ↑ Larry D. Martin & Craig C. Black (1972). "A New Owl from the Eocene of Wyoming" (PDF). Auk 89 (4): 887–888. doi:10.2307/4084122.
  13. 1 2 Pierce Brodkorb (1972). "Neogene Fossil Jays from the Great Plains" (PDF). Condor 74 (3): 347–349. doi:10.2307/1366596.
  14. ↑ George G. Simpson (1972). "Conspectus of Patagonian Fossil Penguins" (PDF). American Museum Novitates 2488: 1–37.
  15. ↑ Carolina Acosta Hospitaleche (2005). "Systematic revision of Arthrodytes Ameghino, 1905 (Aves, Spheniscidae) and its assignment to the Paraptenodytinae". Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 2005 (7): 404–414.
  16. ↑ Sara Bertelli, Norberto P. Giannini & Daniel T. Ksepka (2006). "Redescription and Phylogenetic Position of the Early Miocene Penguin Paraptenodytes antarcticus from Patagonia" (PDF). American Museum Novitates 3525: 1–36. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2006)3525[1:rappot]2.0.co;2.
  17. ↑ Jíří Mlíkovský (2002). "Cenozoic Birds of the World Part 1: Europe" (PDF). Praha Ninox Press 2002: 1–407.
  18. ↑ Nikolay I. Burchak-Abramovich & G. K. Meladze (1972). "Rustaviornis georgicus gen. et sp. n., a New Fossil Bird from the Hipparion Fauna of Georgia". Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 17: 373–388.
  19. ↑ Peter Ballmann (1972). "Les Oiseaux Miocènes de Vieux-Collonges" (PDF). Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon 50: 93–101.
  20. ↑ Jirí Mlíkovský (1998). "Two New Owls (Aves: Strigidae) from the Early Miocene of the Czech Republic, with Comments on the Fossil History of the Subfamily Striginae" (PDF). Buteo 10: 5–21.
  21. ↑ Dénes Jánossy (1972). "Die Mittelpleistozäne Vogelfauna der Stránská Skála" (PDF). Anthropos, Studia Musei Moraviae, Brno (N.S.) 20: 35–64.
  22. ↑ Storrs L. Olson (1977). "A Synopsis of the Fossil Rallidae" (PDF). In: Rails of the World: A Monograph of the Family Rallidae by S.D. Ripley: 509–525.
  23. ↑ Nikita V. Zelenkov and Evgeny N. Kurochkin (2015). "КЛАСС AVES". In E.N. Kurochkin, A.V. Lopatin and N.V. Zelenkov (eds). Ископаемые позвоночные России и сопредельных стран. Ископаемые рептилии и птицы. Часть 3 / Fossil vertebrates of Russia and adjacent countries. Fossil Reptiles and Birds. Part 3. GEOS. pp. 86–290. ISBN 978-5-89118-699-6.
  24. ↑ Oscar Arredondo (1972). "Nueva Especie de Ave Fósil (Strigiformes: Tytonidae) del Pleistoceno Superior de Cuba" (PDF). Boletin de la Sociedad Venezolana Ciencias Naturales 29: 415–431.
  25. ↑ Oscar Arredondo (1972). "Especie Nueva de Lechuza Gigante (Strigiformes: Tytonidae) del Pleistoceno Cubano" (PDF). Boletin de la Sociedad Venezolana Ciencias Naturales 30: 129–140.
  26. ↑ Romer, A.S. 1972. The Chanares (Argentina) Triassic Reptile Fauna. XIV. Lewisuchus admixtus, gen. et sp. nov., a further Thecodont from the Chanares Beds. Breviora 390: pp. 1-13.
  27. ↑ C. H. Mendrez. 1972. On the skull of Regisaurus jacobi, a new genus and species of Bauriamorpha Watson and Romer 1956 (=Scaloposauria Boonstra 1953), from the Lystrosaurus-zone of South Africa.
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