2010 Winter Olympics closing ceremony flag bearers
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During the closing ceremony in Vancouver, the 82 nations selected one member of their delegation to be the flagbearer. Some countries for example, Albania chose the same athlete (Erjon Tola) as the opening ceremony. On the other hand, some countries such as Algeria had already left the Olympic village, and therefore had its NOC assistant carry the flag.[1]
Countries and flagbearers
Below is a list of all parading countries with their announced flag bearer, sorted in the order in which they appeared in the parade. This is sortable by country name under which they entered, the flag bearer's name, or the flag bearer's sport. Names are given as were officially designated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
No. |
Country |
Flag bearer |
Sport |
1 | Greece (GRE) | Vassilis Dimitriadis | Alpine skiing |
2 | Albania (ALB) | Tola, ErjonErjon Tola | Alpine skiing |
3 | Algeria (ALG) | – | NOC assistant |
4 | Andorra (AND) | Mireia Gutiérrez | Alpine skiing |
5 | Argentina (ARG) | Rubén González | Luge |
6 | Armenia (ARM) | Sergey Mikayelyan | Cross-country skiing |
7 | Australia (AUS) | Lydia Lassila | Freestyle skiing |
8 | Austria (AUT) | Nina Reithmayer | Luge |
9 | Azerbaijan (AZE) | Konul Nurullayera | Chef de mission |
10 | Belarus (BLR) | Leanid Karneyenka | Cross-country skiing |
11 | Belgium (BEL) | Pieter Gysel | Short track speed skating |
12 | Bermuda (BER) | Murphy, TuckerTucker Murphy | Cross-country skiing |
13 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) | Marko Rudić | Alpine skiing |
14 | Brazil (BRA) | Jaqueline Mourão | Cross-country skiing |
15 | Bulgaria (BUL) | Evgenia Radanova | Short track speed skating |
16 | Cayman Islands (CAY) | Travers, DowDow Travers | Alpine skiing |
17 | Chile (CHI) | Noelle Barahona | Alpine skiing |
18 | China (CHN) | Zhao Hongbo | Figure skating |
19 | Colombia (COL) | Denzler, CynthiaCynthia Denzler | Alpine skiing |
20 | Croatia (CRO) | Ivan Šola | Bobsleigh |
21 | Cyprus (CYP) | Papamichalopoulou, SophiaSophia Papamichalopoulou | Alpine skiing |
22 | Czech Republic (CZE) | Martina Sáblíková | Speed skating |
23 | North Korea (PRK) (Dem. People's Rep. of Korea) | Ri Song Chol | Figure skating |
24 | Denmark (DEN) | Johnny Frederiksen | Curling |
25 | Estonia (EST) | Kristina Šmigun-Vähi | Cross-country skiing |
26 | Ethiopia (ETH) | Teklemariam, RobelRobel Teklemariam | Cross-country skiing |
27 | Finland (FIN) | Tanja Poutiainen | Alpine skiing |
28 | Macedonia (MKD) (Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia) | Ristevski, AntonioAntonio Ristevski | Alpine skiing |
29 | France (FRA) | Sandrine Bailly | Biathlon |
30 | Georgia (GEO) | Elene Gedevanishvili | Figure skating |
31 | Germany (GER) | Magdalena Neuner | Biathlon |
32 | Ghana (GHA) | Nkrumah-Acheampong, KwameKwame Nkrumah-Acheampong | Alpine skiing |
33 | Great Britain (GBR) | Amy Williams | Skeleton |
34 | Hong Kong (HKG) | Han Yueshuang | Short track speed skating |
35 | Hungary (HUN) | Erika Huszár | Short track speed skating |
36 | Iceland (ISL) | Stefan Jon Sigurgeirsson | Alpine skiing |
37 | India (IND) | Tashi Lundup | Cross-country skiing |
38 | Iran (IRI) (Islamic Rep. of Iran) | Hossein Saveh-Shemshaki | Alpine skiing |
39 | Ireland (IRL) | Shane O'Connor | Alpine skiing |
40 | Israel (ISR) | Mykhaylo Renzhyn | Alpine skiing |
41 | Italy (ITA) | Giuliano Razzoli | Alpine skiing |
42 | Jamaica (JAM) | Kerr, ErrolErrol Kerr | Freestyle skiing |
43 | Japan (JPN) | Mao Asada | Figure skating |
44 | Kazakhstan (KAZ) | Alexey Poltoranin | Cross-country skiing |
45 | South Korea (KOR) (Rep. of Korea) | Mo Tae-bum | Speed skating |
46 | Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) | Trelevski, DmitryDmitry Trelevski | Alpine skiing |
47 | Latvia (LAT) | Haralds Silovs | Short track speed skating Speed skating |
48 | Lebanon (LIB) | Ghassan Achi | Alpine skiing |
49 | Liechtenstein (LIE) | Thomas Duerr | Bobsleigh |
50 | Lithuania (LTU) | Mantas Strolia | Cross-country skiing |
51 | Mexico (MEX) | Hohenlohe, Hubertus vonHubertus von Hohenlohe | Alpine skiing |
52 | Moldova (MDA) | Pinzaru, VictorVictor Pinzaru | Biathlon |
53 | Monaco (MON) | Patrice Servelle | Bobsleigh |
54 | Mongolia (MGL) | Khürelbaataryn Khash-Erdene | Cross-country skiing |
55 | Montenegro (MNE) | Kosić, BojanBojan Kosić | Alpine skiing |
56 | Morocco (MAR) | Abdenbi Lerhenane | Chef de mission |
57 | Nepal (NEP) | Sherpa, DachhiriDachhiri Sherpa | Cross-country skiing |
58 | Netherlands (NED) | Sven Kramer | Speed skating |
59 | New Zealand (NZL) | Ben Sandford | Skeleton |
60 | Norway (NOR) | Petter Northug | Cross-country skiing |
61 | Pakistan (PAK) | Abbas, MuhammadMuhammad Abbas | Alpine skiing |
62 | Peru (PER) | Carcelen, RobertoRoberto Carcelen | Cross-country skiing |
63 | Poland (POL) | Katarzyna Bachleda-Curuś | Speed skating |
64 | Portugal (POR) | Silva, DannyDanny Silva | Cross-country skiing |
65 | Romania (ROU) | Tófalvi, ÉvaÉva Tófalvi | Biathlon |
66 | Russia (RUS) (Russian Federation) | Ivan Skobrev | Speed skating |
67 | San Marino (SMR) | Gian Luca Borgagni | Chef de mission |
68 | Senegal (SEN) | Seck, LeytiLeyti Seck | Alpine skiing |
69 | Serbia (SRB) | Vuk Rađenović | Bobsleigh |
70 | Slovakia (SVK) | Pavol Hurajt | Biathlon |
71 | Slovenia (SLO) | Mitja Valenčič | Alpine skiing |
72 | South Africa (RSA) | Alex Heath | Coach – Alpine skiing |
73 | Spain (ESP) | Laura Orgué | Cross-country skiing |
74 | Sweden (SWE) | Marcus Hellner | Cross-country skiing |
75 | Switzerland (SUI) | Dario Cologna | Cross-country skiing |
76 | Chinese Taipei (TPE) | Ma Chih-hung | Luge |
77 | Tajikistan (TJK) | Alisher Qudraton | Official |
78 | Turkey (TUR) | Tuğba Karademir | Figure skating |
79 | Ukraine (UKR) | Valentina Shevchenko | Cross-country skiing |
80 | United States (USA) | Bill Demong | Nordic combined |
81 | Uzbekistan (UZB) | Shamaev, OlegOleg Shamaev | Alpine skiing |
82 | Canada (CAN) | Joannie Rochette | Figure skating |