2012 KT42
2012 KT42 is an Apollo near-Earth asteroid discovered by Alex R. Gibbs of the Mt. Lemmon Survey (part of the Catalina Sky Survey) with a 1.5-m reflector + CCD on May 28, 2012.
The asteroid had a close approach to the Earth on May 29, 2012, approaching to only ~8950 miles / ~14,440 km above the planet's surface. This means 2012 KT42 came inside the Clarke Belt of geosynchronous satellites. As of May 28, 2012, the estimated 5 to 10 meter wide asteroid ranked #6 on the top 20 list of closest-approaches to Earth. There was no danger of a collision during the close approach. 2012 KT42 would pass roughly 0.01 AU (1,500,000 km; 930,000 mi) from Venus on 2012 July 8.[1]
It is estimated that an impact would produce an upper atmosphere air burst equivalent to 11 kt TNT,[4] roughly equal to Hiroshima's Little Boy. The asteroid would be vaporized as these small impacts occur approximately once per year. A comparable-sized object caused the Sutter's Mill meteorite in California on 2012 April 22. It was removed from the Sentry Risk Table on 2012 May 30.[5]
External links
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2012 in space |
| Space probe launches | | |
| Comets |
- C/2011 Q2 (McNaught)
- C/2012 C2 (Bruenjes)
- C/2006 S3 (LONEOS)
- C/2013 L2 (Catalina)
- C/2010 R1 (LINEAR)
- C/2011 U3 (PANSTARRS)
- C/2011 UF305 (LINEAR)
- C/2011 R1 (McNaught)
- C/2013 F1 (Boattini)
- C/2013 G2 (McNaught)
- C/2012 J1 (Catalina)
| NEOs | |
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- Category:2011 in space — Category:2012 in space — Category:2013 in space