DSM-IV codes

DSM-IV Codes are the classification found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision, also known as DSM-IV-TR, a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) that includes all currently recognized mental health disorders. The DSM-IV codes are thus used by mental health professionals to describe the features of a given mental disorder and indicate how the disorder can be distinguished from other, similar problems.[1]

The coding system utilized by the DSM-IV is designed to correspond with codes from the International Classification of Diseases, commonly referred to as the ICD. Since early versions of the DSM did not correlate with ICD codes and updates of the publications for the ICD and the DSM are not simultaneous, some distinctions in the coding systems may still be present. For this reason, it is recommended that users of these manuals consult the appropriate reference when accessing diagnostic codes

Note that NOS is an abbreviation for Not Otherwise Specified, indicating a cluster of symptoms that do not clearly fit in any single diagnostic category. NOS is often a provisional diagnosis pending additional information or testing.

For an alphabetical list, see DSM-IV Codes (alphabetical).

Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence

Mental retardation

Learning disorders

Motor skills disorders

Communication disorders

Pervasive developmental disorders

Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders

Feeding and eating disorders of infancy or early childhood

Tic disorders

Elimination disorders

Other disorders of infancy, childhood, or adolescence


Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive disorders



Amnestic disorders

Other cognitive disorders


Mental disorders due to a general medical condition not elsewhere classified


Substance-related disorders

Alcohol-related disorders

Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like) related disorders

Caffeine-related disorders

Cannabis-related disorders

Cocaine-related disorders

Hallucinogen-related disorders

Inhalant-related disorders

Nicotine-related disorders

Opioid-related disorders

Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like) related disorders

Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders

Polysubstance-related disorder

Other (or unknown) substance-related disorder


Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders


Mood disorders

293.83 Mood Disorder Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

296.90 Mood Disorder NOS

Depressive disorders

Bipolar disorders


Anxiety disorders


Somatoform disorders


Factitious disorders


Dissociative disorders

Sexual and gender identity disorders

Sexual dysfunctions


Gender identity disorders

Eating disorders


Sleep disorders

Primary sleep disorders


Other sleep disorders


Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified


Adjustment disorders


Personality disorders (Axis II)

Cluster A (odd or eccentric)

Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic)

Cluster C (anxious or fearful)



Additional codes

See also

External links


  1. ↑ Schacter, Gilbert, Wegner (2011)Psychology (2nd Edition), page 552, Worth Publishers
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