31st Grey Cup
The 31st Grey Cup was played on November 27, 1943, before 16,423 fans at Varsity Stadium at Toronto.
The Hamilton Flying Wildcats defeated the Winnipeg RCAF Bombers 23 to 14.
Curiously, both teams wore red and white jerseys and one team had to wear gold and blue uniforms. Surprisingly, Hamilton wore the Bombers traditional gold and blue while Winnipeg was allowed to keep its red jerseys.
External links
- LAC Jack Burkhart
- LAC Reg Bovaird
- Jack Brown
- Bill O'Breeza
- Art Cousins
- Sgt. Murray Crowe
- Joe Capelli
- Thomas Hickey
- Don Irvin
- Dick Groom
- LAC Walter (Bert) Gibb
- Harry Jones
- Jimmy Fumio
- Mel Lawson
- F/O Al Langford
- Rudy Manorek
- Paul Miocinovich
- Robert McDonald
- Paul Peterson
- Pat Santucci
- Jimmy Simpson (Capt.)
- F/O Art Stollery
- Ed Remigis
- P/O Jerry Smith
- Lou Travele
- Joe Krol
- Abe Zvonkin
- A. (Breezy) Withers