61 Renegades
The Case of the 61 Renegades Clique (Chinese: 六十一人叛徒集团案) was created during the Cultural Revolution by Kang Sheng.
- high-ranking officials (22 people): Bo Yibo, Liu Lantao, An Ziwen, Yang Xianzhen, Zhou Zhongying, Ma Huizhi, Xu Zirong, Fu Yutian, Wang Hefeng, Liu Chuli, Wang De, Hou Zhenya, Wang Qimei, Liu Youguang, Hu Xikui, Liao Luyan, Zhang Xi, Li Liguo, Liu Xiwu, Peng De, Liu Zijiu and Zhao Lin
- middle-ranking posts (13 people)
- low-ranking posts (5 people)
- killed in action (10 people)
- Died after being released from prison (5 people): Yin Jian
- Committed suicide (1 person)
- Defected to Kuomintang after being released from prison (2 people)
- Unknown fate (3 people)
- [*http://cpc.people.com.cn/GB/64184/64185/189962/11567499.html 《毛泽东文集》第一卷 “给宋哲元的信”一九三六年八月十四日
- [*中央文献出版社1997年1月出版的《建国以来毛泽东文稿》第十二册“对中央关于刘澜涛出狱问题的复电稿和张闻天有关证明材料的批语”的注释3]
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