Central Committee elected by the 6th Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks)

Central Committee elected
by the 6th Congress
Duration 3 August 1917 – 8 March 1918
Technical Secretary Elena Stasova
Members 21 full and 10 candidates

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 6th Congress, and sat from 3 August 1917 until 8 March 1918. The CC 1st Plenary Session established Narrow Composition (abolished October 1917), the Politburo (abolished November 1917) and the Bureau (established in November 1917), while sanctioning the establishment of the Secretariat on the orders of the Narrow Composition.


Indicates that the individual was born into a Jewish family.
Indicates that the individual is female.
BY Birth year.
DY Death year.
PM Party membership (when the individual joined the party).
NC Narrow Composition member.
PB Politburo member.
B Bureau member.
SC Secretariat member.


  • Meeting of the Central Committee (4–5 August 1917)
  • Meeting of the Central Committee (10 October 1917)
  • Meeting of the Central Committee (16 October 1917)
  • Meeting of the Central Committee (20 October 1917)
  • Meeting of the Central Committee (24 October 1917)
  • Meeting of the Central Committee (7 November 1917)

  • Meeting of the Central Committee (29 November 1917)
  • Meeting of the Central Committee (11 December 1917)
  • Meeting of the Central Committee (9 January 1918)
  • Meeting of the Central Committee (22 February 1918)
  • Meeting of the Central Committee (23 February 1918)



BY DY PM Ethnicity Portrait First post held
(during term)
Bērziņš-Ziemelis, JānisJānis Bērziņš-Ziemelis
Ян Берзиньш-Зиемелис
1881 1938 1902 Latvian Member, Central Committee Committee of the Social-Democracy of the Latvian Territory
Bubnov, AndreiAndrei Bubnov
Андрей Бубнов
1884 1938 1903 Russian Member, Collegium of the People's Commissariat for Railways of the Russian SFSR NC, PB
Bukharin, NikolaiNikolai Bukharin
Никола́й Буха́рин
1888 1938 1906 Russian Editor-in-chief, Pravda
Dzerzhinsky, FelixFelix Dzerzhinsky
Фе́ликс Дзержи́нский
1877 1926 1906 Polish Chairman, All-Russian Emergency Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage
Member, Collegium of the People's Commissar for Interior Affairs of the Russian SFSR
Kamenev, LevLev Kamenev
Лев Ка́менев
1883 1936 1901 Jewish Chairman, Central Executive Committee of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets PB
Kollontai, AlexandraAlexandra Kollontai
Алекса́ндра Коллонта́й
1872 1952 1915 Russian People's Commissar for Social Welfare of the Russian SFSR
Krestinsky, NikolayNikolay Krestinsky
Никола́й Крести́нский
1883 1938 1901 Russian Deputy Chief Commissioner, People's Bank of the Russian SFSR
Chairman, Yekaterinburg Military Revolutionary Committee
Lenin, VladimirVladimir Lenin
Владимир Ленин
1870 1924 1898 Russian Chairman, Council of People's Commissars of the Russian SFSR PB, B
Milyutin, VladimirVladimir Milyutin
Владимир Милютин
1884 1937 1910 Russian People's Commissar for Agriculture of the Russian SFSR NC
Muranov, MatveiMatvei Muranov
Матвей Муранов
1873 1959 1904 Ukrainian Deputy People's Commissar for Interior Affairs of the Russian SFSR
Member, Collegium of the People's Commissar for Interior Affairs of the Russian SFSR
Nogin, ViktorViktor Nogin
Ви́ктор Ноги́н
1878 1924 1898 Russian People's Commissar for Trade and Industry of the Russian SFSR
Rykov, AlexeiAlexei Rykov
Алексей Рыков
1881 1938 1899 Russian People's Commissar for Interior Affairs of the Russian SFSR
Member, Collegium of the People's Commissar for Interior Affairs of the Russian SFSR
Sergeyev, "Artyom" Fyodor"Artyom" Fyodor Sergeyev
Фёдор Серге́ев
1895 1921 1914 Russian Chairman, General Secretariat of Ukraine
Shahumyan, StepanStepan Shahumyan
Степан Шаумян
1878 1918 1898 Armenian Council of People's Commissars Representative in the Caucasus
Chairman, Executive Committee of the Baku City Soviet
Smilga, IvarIvar Smilga
Ивар Смилга
1892 1938 1907 Latvian Council of People's Commissars Representative in Finland
Chairman, Regional Executive Committee of the Army, Fleet, and Workers of Finland
Sokolnikov, GrigoriGrigori Sokolnikov
Григорий Сокольников
1888 1939 1905 Jewish Deputy Commissar, State Bank of the Russian SFSR
Member, Executive Committee of the Petrograd City Soviet
Stalin, JosephJoseph Stalin
Ио́сиф Ста́лин
1878 1953 1898 Georgian People's Commissar for Nationalities of the Russian SFSR NC, PB, B
Sverdlov, YakovYakov Sverdlov
Я́ков Миха́йлович Свердло́в
1885 1919 1901 Jewish Chairman, Central Executive Committee of the All-Russian Congress of Soviets NC, SC, B
Trotsky, LeonLeon Trotsky
Лев Тро́цкий
1879 1940 1917 Jewish People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Russian SFSR PB, B
Uritsky, MoiseiMoisei Uritsky
Моисей Урицкий
1873 1918 1917 Russian Member, Collegium of the People's Commissar for Interior Affairs of the Russian SFSR NC
Zinoviev, GrigoryGrigory Zinoviev
Григо́рий Зино́вьев
1883 1936 1901 Russian Chairman, Executive Committee of the Petrograd City Soviet PB


BY DY PM Ethnicity Portrait First post held
(during term)
Dzhaparidze, ProkofyProkofy Dzhaparidze
Прокофий Джапаридзе
1880 1918 1898 Georgian Chairman, Executive Committee of the Baku City Soviet
Joffe, AdolphAdolph Joffe
Адо́льф Абра́мович Ио́ффе
1883 1927 1910 Russian Member, Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee NC, SC
Kiselyov, AlekseiAleksei Kiselyov
Алексей Киселёв
1879 1937 1898 Russian Member, Collegium of the Central Bureau for Prisoners of War and Refugees
Oppokov, GeorgyGeorgy Oppokov
Гео́ргий Оппо́ков
1888 1938 1903 Russian People's Commissar for Justice
Member, Moscow Military Revolutionary Committee
Preobrazhensky, YevgeniYevgeni Preobrazhensky
Евге́ний Преображе́нский
1886 1937 1903 Russian Deputy Chairman, Executive Committee of the Chita Regional Soviet
Skrypnyk, MykolaMykola Skrypnyk
Микола Скрипник
1872 1933 1898 Ukrainian People's Secretary of Labour and Industry of the Ukrainian SSR
Member, Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee
Stasova, ElenaElena Stasova
Еле́на Ста́сова
1873 1966 1898 Russian Technical Secretary, Central Committee NC, SC
Yakovleva, VarvaraVarvara Yakovleva
Варвара Яковлева
1884 1941 1904 Russian Secretary, Moscow Regional Bureau


BY DY PM Ethnicity Portrait First post held
(during term)
Osinsky, ValerianValerian Osinsky
Валериан Оболенский
1887 1938 1907 Russian
Chief Commissioner, State Bank of the Russian SFSR
Member, Kharkiv Military Revolutionary Committee
Teodorovich, IvanIvan Teodorovich
Ива́н Теодо́рович
1875 1937 1898 Polish People's Commissar for Food of the Russian SFSR



Plenary sessions, apparatus heads, ethnicity (by clicking on the individual names on "The Central Committee elected by the VIth Party Congress (b) 3 (16) .8.1917 members" reference), the Central Committee full- and candidate membership, Bureau membership, Secretariat membership and Orgburo membership were taken from these sources:



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