ABC News and Current Affairs

ABC News and Current Affairs is the name of the division of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) that controls content classified as news, public affairs and business and finance.
However, the other divisions of the ABC also produce a range of programming within these genres. All such content is covered here.
ABC Television and ABC Online VOD
News Online
- ABC News in 90 Seconds
- ABC World in 90 Seconds
- ABC News Business
- ABC News Sport
- ABC News Entertainment
- ABC News Weather
Current affairs
- The 7.30 Report
- Lateline
- Australian Story
- Foreign Correspondent
- Four Corners
- Insiders
- Capital Hill
- Stateline
- Media Watch
- Offsiders
Business and finance
Asia Pacific
- Asia Pacific Focus (aka "Focus")
- ABC News for Australia Network (aka "Australia Network News" / "ABC Asia Pacific News")
- Newsline
- Business Today
ABC Radio programs
Current affairs
- AM
- PM
- The World Today
- Correspondents Report
ABC Radio National
- 360
- Awaye!
- Australia Talks
- Artworks
- Background Briefing
- Big Ideas
- Breakfast
- EdPod
- ForaRadio
- Future Tense
- The Health Report
- The Law Report
- Late Night Live
- The National Interest
- Saturday Extra
- The Science Show
ABC Newsradio
Radio Australia
- 24 hrs dans le Pacifique
- Asia Pacific
- Asia Pacific Business
- Asia Review
- Bay Vut Tin tức
- Connect Asia
- Correspondent's Notebook
- Innovations
- Pacific Beat
- Other programs in Mandarin, Indonesian, Tok Pisin, Khmer and French.
triple j
- Hack
- triple j news
- triple j music news
- Sunday Night Safran
ABC Rural
- National Rural News
- The Country Hour
- Bush Telegraph
- Country Breakfast
- Rural Reporte]
- The Resources Beat
ABC Local Radio
- Nightlife
- Overnights
- Speaking Out
- Sunday Nights
- Sunday Profile
- Various local programs
ABC Current Affairs
The ABC produces many current affairs programmes, including The 7.30 Report and Lateline. These programmes often use resources or reports from one another. For instance, an Asia-Pacific-based report from the week's Foreign Correspondent will be edited for use during that same week's Asia-Pacific Focus programme.
News reports from ABC News are also edited, often with new material added on, for use on that night's Lateline.
The ABC's Current Affairs department has also won a number of awards over the years.
ABC Public Affairs
Apart from the usual coverage of Public Affairs & Politics during programmes such as ABC News, Lateline and The 7.30 Report, the ABC has a dedicated hour-long Public Affairs programme every Sunday at 9am, Insiders, which is hosted by Barrie Cassidy. The programme comprises a news update, an interview with a prominent political figure (usually a Federal Government minister or Opposition spokesperson), two reviews of the week (one of political cartoons, the other of the political situation) and a discussion of the week in politics and public affairs with a panel of guests, most of whom are from prominent newspapers.
The programme is produced in Melbourne, hence the use of the nearby Australia Network ABC News set for both the news updates and Inside Business (which follows Insiders).
External links
- Official website
- ABC News and Current Affairs programs
- ABC Bureaux and Foreign Correspondents
- 50 Years of ABC TV News and Current Affairs