Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development
ACTED (French: Agence d'Aide à la Coopération Technique Et au Développement), formerly 'Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development', is an French humaniarian NGO set up in 1993. It is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization committed to supporting vulnerable populations across the world. ACTED’s teams take action in 35 countries, responding to emergency situations, supporting rehabilitation projects and accompanying the dynamics of development. ACTED develops more than 450 projects a year towards 8 million people, with a €160 million budget. The organization employs more than 400 international staff and over 4300 national staff. It is the second largest French NGO. The headquarters are based in Paris, France.
Approach and commitment
ACTED teams are devoted to supporting vulnerable communities throughout the world and accompanying them in building a better future by providing a response adapted to specific needs. By ensuring the link between Emergency, Rehabilitation and Development, ACTED’s teams guaranty that interventions made in a situation of crisis are useful and sustainable, because only long term support – by remaining in the area post emergency and involving communities – can end the poverty cycle and accompany populations on the road to development.
ACTED’s teams on the field are implementing more than 450 projects in those fields: responding to emergencies and building disaster resilience, food security, health promotion, education and training, promoting inclusive and sustainable growth, economic development, microfinance, institutional support and regional dialogue, cultural promotion.
With its experience working closely with vulnerable communities at the heart of situations that they live in throughout the world, ACTED contributes to reaching the Sustainable development goals (SDGs) and is engaged in the definition of the sustainable development goals, advocating for an integrated approach, co-construction and global partnership.
In association with several French, European and International partners, ACTED is committed to promoting and developing innovative approaches and initiatives, humanitarian principles, new forms of solidarity and convergences between private and public actors and NGOs from the North and the South covering themes such as aid efficiency and transparency, evaluation, information and coordination of humanitarian emergencies, promotion of local governance and civil society strengthening, sustainable access to income and microfinance, prevention and reduction of catastrophes, the link between development aid, sustainable development and social business, food security, etc.
Geographical location
Over 5,000 staff are dedicated to implementing and developing more than 450 projects each year in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, occupied Palestinian Territory, Pakistan, Philippines, Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville), Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasa), Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Yemen.
Areas of intervention
ACTED intervenes in 8 particular fields: coordination of humanitarian emergencies, food security, health promotion, education and training, economic development, microfinance (see below), advocacy, institutional support, regional dialogue and cultural promotion.
ACTED has been engaged in microfinance since 1997, initiating microloans activities in a humanitarian context, led in partnership with numerous growing actors from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds. ACTED created OXUS, a network of microfinance institutions, aiming at a convergence of initiatives between development activities, technologic innovations, financial instruments, public policies and individual initiatives. All those actors contribute to creating a sustainable microfinance model to help fulfill the Sustainable development goals and to reduce poverty.
1993: ACTED is founded in Afghanistan.
1995: food emergency projects and distribution of flour and coal to Kabul bakeries to address bread shortages.
1996: ACTED’s activities expanded to the entire country and subsequently to neighbouring countries, namely Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, with the aim of developing a regional strategy throughout Central Asia.
1997: the organization continued its expansion, opening its first office in Africa to support conflict-affected populations in the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville).
1998: ACTED deployed teams in Nicaragua, following the Hurricane Mitch disaster, and in the Balkans after the conflict in Kosovo.
2003: activities in the Middle-East, to support the Iraqi population, linked with the office in Amman (Jordan).
2004: ACTED continued its involvement in Central Africa by opening missions in Chad and Sudan to respond to the Darfur crisis.
2005: the organization has started emergency reconstruction activities in South Asia after the tsunami disaster, and started working in India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, and then Pakistan.
2006: programmes in the Middle East, intervening in Lebanon and the Palestinian Territory to implement emergency programmes.
2008: ACTED intervened to provide relief to the populations of Africa, with new programmes starting in the Central African Republic, Kenya and Somalia. The organization also started providing relief and supporting the populations of Myanmar affected by the Nargis Cyclone and implementing projects in Vietnam.
2009: ACTED has been implementing food security interventions for the populations of Zimbabwe since October 2009, and launched projects in Cambodia on HIV/AIDS prevention activities.
2010: food security programmes to address the food crisis in Niger and Zimbabwe and disaster preparedness and risk mitigation project in Vietnam.
2011: ACTED started programs in Jordan, as well has responded to the emergencies in Libya and the Ivory Coast.
2012: The Bopha typhoon mobilized ACTED in the Philippines, while a regional office was set up in Bangkok to support in parallel Myanmar refugees in Thailand. ACTED also responded to the refugee crises in South Sudan, Jordan and Iraq.
2013: ACTED responded to the typhoon Haiyan emergency in the Philippines and is now accompanying the recovery of affected populations and the rehabilitation phase.
2014: emergency interventions in Central African Republic and South Sudan.
2015: ACTED responded to the Nepal emergency following the first of two earthquakes in April 2015 with vital humanitarian aid. Today, ACTED's operations in the country are moving towards a rehabilitation phase.
ACTED’s teams remain fully mobilized today in response to the Syrian refugee crisis. Active in the region since 2004 and committed in assisting vulnerable Syrian refugees and host populations since the very beginning of this crisis, ACTED has expanded relief operations to ensure continued access to essential human needs, as the population and their needs rapidly expanded and evolved in the last couple of years.
ACTED contributes to reach the Sustainable development goals (SDGs) and is engaged in the definition of the sustainable development goals, advocating for an integrated approach, co-construction and global partnership with, Pansons le Monde, the Hunger barometer,, La Boudeuse, the Food Right Now campaign, the Bactria center, and the Impact Initiatives think tank, with the REACH programme.
ACTED is a humanitarian organization which intervenes in times of crisis, either immediately (emergency and rehabilitation projects), or in the medium and long term (development projects), under the following conditions:
- disasters linked to human factors
- natural disasters
- economic and social crises [1]
- Emergency humanitarian aid
- Food safety
- Promotion of health issues
- Education and job training
- Economic development
- Microcredit
- Advocacy
- Promotion of cultural issues
Countries of activity
ACTED intervenes in 35 countries spanning 5 zones (Asia, Africa, America, Europe, Middle-East). The organization tries whenever possible to develop a regional approach to crisis situations in countries where cross-border population movements are important factors.
This regional approach is backed-up by an integrated approach enabling ACTED to work in such varied activity fields as micro-economics, public health or even cultural promotion.[3]
Specifically, ACTED has had a presence in some of the following countries:
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ivory Coast
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
ACTED began post-earthquake operations in Nepal in April 2015. As of December 2015, ACTED Nepal has focused on sectors of Food Distribution, Road Construction, Livelihood, Rehabilitation and Shelters Kits for the earthquake victims.