Founded in 1986, and registered as a Non-Profit Association, AMCHI (Association Multidisciplinary Cultural and Humanitarian International) was dedicated to support humanitarian projects in India, and mainly with Tibetan refugee camps.

Since, AMCHI has evolved and is now seeking, organizing and supporting projects in different fields and countries. Based on a volunteer system, all people involved in the different projects and in the everyday life of the association, are doing it on a free base. The incomes are invested in the different actions, keeping the different “charges” at the minimum cost. Amchi's actions can be divided in 3 categories. The past, actual and future actions.

Past actions

1. In India and Nepal:

Humanitarian and medical actions:
  • Opening of infirmaries, dispensary, a small hospital, follow up of the patients in different places (Dip.Tse.Chok.Ling, Kopan, Sera-Jhe).
  • Training of medical and care staff, education about hygiene.
  • Building of showers and dispensary for a school of 260 children.
(Among the official helps : Rotary Club, pharmacy of CHG of Cahors, Ministry of youth and sports, pharmacist without borders, …)
  • Start of a program about hygiene and construction of showers in quarters of Sera-Jhe monastery.
Every construction goes with explanations about hygiene, health, nutrition. To give to adults and children a better understanding of why and how stopping wrong habits.
Sponsorship system:
  • Since 1991, AMCHI has been setting up a sponsorship system to ensure proper living conditions to children and young adults in India. Originally dedicated to the help of young children in the Tibetan refugees' camps of South India, this system now helps Children in Tibet and Nepal.

2. In France:

  • Organization of holiday camps from 1994 till 1999:
The main motivation was to provide to families having financial problems some possibilities to send their children in good conditions, into camps respecting educational values, at the lowest cost possible. For all holidays, and ages going from 7 till 15 years old. The teams were chosen according to educative principles, the groups of children were small, with one adult for 4-5 children.
  • Educational activities, and help in homework:
To help children to find other activities than wandering in front of television or in street during week-ends or free days. And help the ones having parents working late. Prices were the lowest possible and according to the financial possibilities of the family.
  • Collects of clothes and items to help families in need.
  • Distribution of cinema tickets to families registered to social services.
  • Set up of a babysitting system :
With prices in direct relations with incomes and financial possibilities of the family.

3. Past actions in Russia:

  • In 2000-2001-2002:
Volunteer work in Tsimbalina hospital
Hospital for street and orphans children, from few months up to 15 years old.
Help of the medical and social team. Medical and single use equipment (stethoscope, otoscope, compress, needles, special pen for taking blood, …), as well as medicine, and small financial donations.

4. In Tibet:

  • In August 2003:
Visit and organization of the local clinic of Kharnang area in Kham.
Setting of a technical support to promote Kharnang's project, study and planning of indoor organization of the clinic
Donation of medicines and little material for the clinic .
  • Specific action : “For a sick child”
In 1999-2000 financial help for a Russian child suffering from leukemia.

Actual actions

1. In India:

  • Existing since 1991:
A sponsoring system, established mainly into Tibetan refugees camps, in order that children and youngest get good food, toothpaste, etc… and medical care. With the assurance that money is for children and adults in needs, and who will use it properly, by sending money directly to a monk in whom we trust.
Actually sponsors are helping 60 children and adults.

2. In Russia:

  • AMCHI is organizing regularly sending of medicines, clothes and little medical equipment for Tsimbalina Hospital and Vera orphanage.

3. In Tibet:

  • Many projects are existing in Kharnang, revolving around health, education and service to old people. AMCHI started to find sponsors for the children the more in needs, and is looking forward to raise enough funds to help support the little dispensary, education and old age projects.

4. In Slovenia:

  • AMCHI is organizing a centralization of informations of needs from organizations and institutions and collecting items from private or corporate sources and redistributing them.

Future actions - Projects

1. In Russia:

Because children of Russia will be the adults of tomorrow, AMHCI tries to promote the idea and principle of giving them good educative values, while giving them a safe environment to grow.
  • Practical work inside the hospital helping to rebuilt and make places nicer for children, change old and smelly furniture, mattresses, etc…
"Sometimes big investments are not needed to change the environment of children, but energy and ideas directed in good ways. Rooms of the hospital are old, smelly and with holes in the walls. The ground is old and difficult to clean. Children, babies, are often putting in their mouths items collected from the ground, full of germs, and are constantly sick, with running nose, up to hepatitis and meningitis."
  • Help to sponsor the wages of a nurse, with qualifications and willing to work with difficult children.
"As for now, old nurses have rather bad habits, lack of education and psychological training, and no wish at all to be bothered by those street kids! Well trained nurse, willing to help those children would give a new 'impulse' and hopefully will slowly change the situation within the nurses' team…"
  • Collect items, medicine and clothes to send them through a 'secure custom-free channel', to give a complementary help, during all year…As some medicines in Russia are very costly, and sometimes difficult to find.

2. In India:

  • Follow-up of the existent actions, sponsorship system.
AMCHI is regularly visiting India, to see the changes inside the families and in the different places where we are sponsoring children, get new information about them as well as about children waiting for sponsors, and bring parcels from sponsors, and items for clinic and dispensaries.
AMCHI sponsors education for some children, and pay the expenses of one handicaped girl.
  • Help in Nepal, for existing dispensary (education, follow up of patients).
As some dispensary or little clinics have some times difficulties to find long-terms volunteers or workers, the best possibility is often to teach local volunteers, monks, and to control punctually their works, needs. And of course to help them to complete their training.
  • Help in South India for better water supply. As in many places in India, water is often a problem. Sometimes far from the place where people are living, and of poor quality. Some simple solutions exist, yet there is the necessity of investments, to by pumps and filters, and built simple water systems.

3. In Tibet:

  • Follow-up of the existent actions, sponsorship system.
  • Organization of events to promote the difficulties of the region, and their needs.

4. In Slovenia:

  • Follow-up of the existent actions, sponsorship system.

External links

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