Abdul Rahim Mrad

Abdul Rahim Mourad (Arabic: عبد الرحيم مراد; from the Beqaa Valley) born on 17 October 1942 is a Lebanese politician, member of Parliament and minister, including Lebanese Minister of Defense and Minister of Education and Higher Learning.

Mrad graduated with a bachelor's degree in business administration and a licence in law. He worked in trade and industry, before running for Parliamentary elections and being elected to the Lebanese Parliament in the years 1990, 1992 and 1996.

In 2001, he founded the Lebanese International University.

Views on the 9/11 Attacks

In an interview aired on Al-Alam TV on October 15, 2010 (as translated by MEMRI), Mourad stated that "The so-called 9/11 incidents are a big lie, which was used by the American as a pretext to stage a global offensive, beginning in Afghanistan, continuing in Iraq, and Allah knows where it will go from there." Regarding who was responsible for the attacks, Mourad stated that "I am convinced that the Israeli Mossad, along with the US intelligence, carried out the entire thing. I believe this is what President Ahmadinejad means, but he does not want to put the cart before the horse." He further stated that "If the world is courageous enough to hold a real investigation, it will find that this is the outcome: US intelligence and the Israeli Mossad."[1]

As evidence to support his views, he claimed that "in the first moments after the explosion that targeted the Twin Towers, they found a car – or rather, they planted a car – and when they searched it, they found a copy of the Koran. Thus, they concluded that Islam, or rather, Al-Qaeda, was responsible. No investigation was conducted." He also claimed that "It is well known that 5,000 Jews did not go to their offices in the Twin Towers that day. In addition, it is clear that the filming was not done by amateurs. The filming was planned to incite the world. They claimed that they had not planned the filming in advance, but they imposed a media blackout and refrained from investigating."[1]


  1. 1 2 Former Lebanese Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Mourad: 9/11 Is a Big Lie, Fabricated by the Israeli Mossad and the US Intelligence, MEMRI, Clip No. 2645, October 15, 2010.

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