Abensberg 1809 Order of Battle

Abensberg 1809 Order of Battle

Napoleon speaks to Bavarian troops.
Napoleon speaks to Bavarian troops.

The Battle of Abensberg was fought on 20 April 1809, between an Allied force under the command of Emperor Napoleon I of France on one side and three Austrian corps led by Johann von Hiller, Archduke Louis of Austria, and Michael von Kienmayer. The Austrians formed the left wing of Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen's main army and were under the overall command of Hiller. Napoleon's French troops, reinforced by troops from the Kingdom of Bavaria and the Kingdom of Württemberg outfought their opponents, inflicted heavy losses, and forced the Austrians to retreat to the southeast.

During the fighting, 55,000 French and Germans faced 42,000 Austrians. Of these, only about 25,000 on each side became involved in the fighting. The Austrians lost 2,710 killed and wounded, plus about 4,000 captured.[1] Allied losses were 215 Frenchmen, 146 Württembergers, and 746 Bavarians, for a total of 1,107.[2]

Austrian forces

Left Wing: Feldmarschall-Leutnant Johann von Hiller

VI Armeekorps

Johann Hiller led the Austrian left wing.
Johann von Hiller

Feldmarschall-Leutnant Johann von Hiller (35,639)[3][4]

V Armeekorps

Archduke Louis led the V Armeekorps.
Archduke Louis

Feldmarschall-Leutnant Archduke Louis (32,266)[3][6]

II Reserve Armeekorps

Michael von Kienmayer led the small II Reserve Armeekorps.
Michael von Kienmayer

Feldmarschall-Leutnant Michael von Kienmayer (7,975)[3][7]


Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss-Plauen Franz Jellacic von Buzim Joseph Radetzky von Radetz Frederick Bianchi, Duke of Casalanza Konstantin Ghilian Karl d'Aspré
Prince Reuss Franz Jellacic Josef Radetzky Frederick Bianchi Konstantin d'Aspré

French-Allied forces

Grande Armée: Napoleon I of France

Provisional Corps

Jean Lannes was appointed by Napoleon to lead a provisional corps.
Jean Lannes

Marshal Jean Lannes[8]

VII (Bavarian) Corps

François Joseph Lefebvre commanded the Bavarian VII Corps.
François Lefebvre

Marshal François Joseph Lefebvre[10]

Württemberg (later VIII) Corps

Dominique Vandamme led the Württemberg contingent.
Dominique Vandamme

General of Division Dominique Vandamme[11]


Charles Antoine Morand Charles-Étienne Gudin de La Sablonnière Etienne-Marie-Antoine Champion de Nansouty Jean-Pierre Doumerc Jean-Marie Defrance Karl Philipp von Wrede
Charles Morand Charles Gudin Étienne Nansouty Jean Doumerc Jean Defrance Karl von Wrede


  1. Petre, p 139
  2. Arnold, p 120
  3. 1 2 3 Arnold, p 235. Strength only.
  4. Bowden & Tarbox, pp 70-71. Order of battle.
  5. Arnold, p 260n. Jellacic had exchanged Hoffmeister's brigade for Dollmayer's.
  6. Bowden & Tarbox, pp 69-70
  7. Bowden & Tarbox, p 72. Order of battle.
  8. Bowden & Tarbox, pp 57-59
  9. Petre, p 133. Petre does not specify which brigade was detached at Saal an der Donau.
  10. Bowden & Tarbox, pp 61-62
  11. Bowden & Tarbox, p 62



External links

The following two websites are excellent sources for the full names of French and Austrian generals.

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