Abraham Bos

Abraham P. Bos (born 1943, Baarn) is a retired professor in Ancient and Patristic philosophy at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, specializing in the philosophy of Aristotle

His doctoral thesis in 1971 was "Een onderzoek naar de kosmologie van Aristoteles in de eerste jaren van zijn wijsgerige activit" (A study of the cosmology of Aristotle in the first years of his philosophical activity)[1] His inaugural lecture in 1976 was "Providentia Divina: The Theme of Divine Pronoia in Plato and Aristotle"[2]

He is the author, co author, or co-editor of


  1. WorldCat
  2. Bos, Abraham P. Providentia Divina: The Theme of Divine Pronoia in Plato and Aristotle : Inaugural Lecture to the Departments of Literature and Philosophy of the Free University, Amsterdam, Delivered on Friday, October 15, 1976. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1976.WorldCat
  3. WorldCat

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