Absolute Category Rating

A five-level scale for rating quality.

Absolute Category Rating (ACR) is a test method used in quality tests.[1]

The levels of the scale are, sorted by quality in decreasing order:

In this method, a single test condition (generally an image or a video sequence) is presented to the viewers once only. They should then give a quality rating on an ACR scale. Test conditions should be presented in a random order per test person.

The ACR scale is evaluated based on numbers that are assigned to the individual items, where Excellent equals to 5 and Bad equals to 1. The average numeric score over all experiment participants, for each test condition that was shown, is called the Mean Opinion Score.

See also


  1. P.910 : Subjective video quality assessment methods for multimedia applications. ITU-T Recommendation, approved in 1999-09. Retrieved on 2008-05-29.

External links

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