Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota-Padilla

Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota-Padilla
Established 12 January 1920
Location  Guadalajara, Mexico

The Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota-Padilla (Academy of Genealogy and Heraldry Mota-Padilla) was a cultural institution based in Guadalajara, Jalisco, the second largest city in Mexico. According with an article published in the Genealogical Journal (1971), this institution was the first genealogical association in Latin America.[1]


It was established on 12 January 1920 by Salvador Mota-Velasco y Abad (1855–1923);[2] it was erected in memory of the first Historian of the former Kingdom of Nueva Galicia (New Galicia) in the Viceroyalty of New Spain, Matías Angel de la Mota Padilla (1688–1766), author of Historia de la Conquista del Reino de la Nueva Galicia (1741);[3] among its members, the very same Salvador Mota-Velasco y Abad was a direct descendant of the after mentioned author.[2] This institution was privately funded and led by enthusiasts of the Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences whose main purpose was to promote the creation of a study about the history of the municipality of Unión de Tula, Jalisco, with a genealogical and heraldic research of the four founding families of that place, which were the Topete, the Villaseñor, the Lazcano and the Arriola families (the name of the place was originated through their initials: T V L A).[4] With the passing of time, the Academia's objectives went beyond the original idea, promoting any kind of Genealogical and Heraldic studies, then, more enthusiasts became members of this institution. They gathered monthly and produced some interesting works, like those published by journalist Alberto Santoscoy or by historian José R. Benítez; unfortunately, some of those papers are still unpublished.[4]

Founding members

The founding members were five: Salvador Mota-Velasco y Abad (1855–1923), José Ignacio Dávila Garibi (1888–1981), Jorge Verea y Vallarta (1877–1958), Enrique Eduardo López Maldonado († 1938), and Alberto Santoscoy (1857–1906).[4]

Academia's structure in 1920

Board of Directors[5]

Founders Academicians in 1920[5]

(alphabetical order)


After most of its original members died, the institution became less active; then, Jorge Verea y Vallarta's nephew, Ricardo Lancaster-Jones y Verea, reorganized it between 1950–53, it was formally re-established with an act dated on 8 May 1953.[6][7][8] After Lancaster-Jones y Verea's death in 1983, the institution became extinct.[4][9]


President Served
Salvador Mota-Velasco y Abad (1855–1923)19201923
Enrique Eduardo López Maldonado († 1938)19231938
Jorge Verea y Vallarta (1877–1958)19381949
Ricardo Lancaster-Jones y Verea (1905–83)19501983

Academia's structure after 1950

Board of Directors:[10][11][12]

Honorary Academicians:[10][11][12]

Counsultant Academicians:[10][12]






The Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota-Padilla published three volumes of Anuario (1943,[13] 1955, 1957) and a Lista de Miembros y Estatutos (1955).[11]

Archdiocese of Guadalajara's genealogical records

This institution contributed with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and with the Academia Mexicana de Genealogía y Heráldica, during the microfilming process of the complete and well preserved Archdiocese of Guadalajara's records (1953–71). Nowadays, a copy of these microfilms are located in the Archivo General de la Nación in Mexico City,[14] and are available for public consultation under the guidelines and regulations of the same institution.[15]


  1. "Genealogical Journal", Utah Genealogical Association, Vol. 15-17, 1971, pp. 160-170
  2. 1 2
  4. 1 2 3 4
  5. 1 2 "Anuario 1953-54", Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota-Padilla, Guadalajara, 1955, pp. 6-7.
  6. "Enciclopedia de México", Volúmen 5, 1978, pp. 256-257.
  7. "Revista Genealógica Latina", Federação dos Institutos Genealógicos Latinos, Vol. 8-10, 1956, pp. 244-245 y 270.
  8. "The Augustan", Augustan Society, Vol. 17-20, 1975, pp. 91, 93 y 104.
  9. Otros mexicanos se distinguen, como Ricardo Lancaster-Jones y Verea, de Guadalajara, por haber mantenido medio viva a la Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota Padilla en la ciudad de su residencia, intento con poca fortuna imitado por algunos entusiastas en Oaxaca y Mérida. Ordoñez Jonama, Ramiro; "Panorama Actual de los Estudios Genealógicos en Mesoamérica", published in: "Hidalguía", Numbers 250-251, Madrid, 1995, p. 456
  10. 1 2 3 4 "Lista de Miembros y Estatutos", Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota-Padilla, 1955, XVIII pp.
  11. 1 2 3 4
  12. 1 2 3 4
  15. LaTempa, Susan (24 January 1993). "On a quest for 'roots'" (fee required). Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 6 January 2010.

Main references

Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota-Padilla (1955). Anuario. 1953-54. Guadalajara (Jalisco, Mexico): Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota-Padilla, pp. 6-7. 
Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota-Padilla (1955). Lista de Miembros y Estatutos. Guadalajara (Jalisco, Mexico): Academia de Genealogía y Heráldica Mota-Padilla, XVIII pp. 
Augustan Society (1975). The Augustan. Vol. 17-20. Orlando: Augustan Society, pp. 91, 93 y 104. 
Enciclopedia de México (1978). Enciclopedia de México. Vol. 5. Mexico City: Enciclopedia de México, pp. 256-257. 
Federação dos Institutos Genealógicos Latinos (1956). Revista Genealógica Latina. Vol. 8-10. São Paulo: Federação dos Institutos Genealógicos Latinos, pp. 244-245 y 270. 
Ramiro Ordoñez Jonama (1995). Panorama Actual de los Estudios Genealógicos en Mesoamérica. Numbers 250-251. Madrid: Hidalguía, p. 456. 
Utah Genealogical Association (1971). Genealogical Journal. Vol. 15-17. Salt Lake City: Utah Genealogical Association, pp. 160-170. 
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