Ace Tone

Ace Tone TOP-1

Ace Electronic Industries Inc., or Ace Tone was a manufacturer of musical instruments, including electronic organs and analogue drum machines, and effects pedals. Founded in 1960 by Ikutaro Kakehashi with an investment by Sakata Shokai, Ace Tone can be considered an early incarnation of the Roland Corporation, which was also founded by Kakehashi.[1] Ace Tone began manufacturing amplifiers in 1963.[1]


Electronic Keyboards


Main article: Clavioline

Combo Organ

combo organ accessories

Home Organ

Ace Tone unknown  home organ model. (possibly Ace 3000 in the 1970s)

Organs (OEM)

National SX-610 (1963) exhibited at Roland Corporation Hamamatsu Lab.
Hammond VS-300 Cadette (1973?)

Electronic Piano



Drum Machines

FR-2L / Hammond Auto

Note: Rhythm Ace series were known to be shipped under multiple brands as following:

Since 1967, Hammond Organ Company distributed Rhythm Ace under Hammond brand.
Hammond Auto-Vari 64
(based on Roland Rhythm 77)
[A][H] Ace Tone model also shipped from Hammond.
[R][H] Hammond shipped far improved model based on Roland's improved model.
[S][H] Hammond models manufactured by Nihon Hammond.
In the 1970s, possibly several models were also distributed under Multivox brand by Sorkin Music, an early general agent of Ace Tone in the United States.[Media 16] On the other hand, late-1970s models such as Multivox FR-3 seem to share several similarity with Korg Minipops.[Note 4]
[M]     Multivox models
[A][M] Also shipped from Multivox
In the mid-1970s, “ACE TONE” brand was taken over by Sakata/Nihon Hammond.[Note 2]
[S]     Sakata/Nihhon Hammond models
[A][S] Also shipped from Sakata/Nihhon Hammond.
In 1972, Kakehashi left Ace Electronics and established Roland Corporation.
Roland Rhythm 77
(based on FR-7L)
[R]     Roland released improved models in 1972:


An Ace Tone Mighty-5 Amplifier

Guitar Amplifiers

Tube Amplifiers

Bass Amplifiers

Vocal Amplifiers/Channel Mixer

Speaker Systems


See also


  1. "Hammond VS-300". The Organ Forum. 2012-12-20. Out of interest, certainly as far as the UK goes, only the very early Cadettes were built by Yamaha. The UK's VS300 was built by Ace Tone, as were all small Hammonds by then. ... You can tell by the cabinet styling and the pedals used. If the cab and pedals look like a B series Yamaha, then that's who made the organ. Otherwise it's an Ace Tone. The plate on the back will either say Yamaha/Nippon Gakki or Nihon Hammond.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 Nihon Hammond: In the mid-1970s, Ace Electronic Industries Inc. was restructured and “ACE TONE” brand was taken over by Nihon Hammond, a joint enterprise of Hammond Organ Company in Chicago and Sakata Shokai in Osaka, Japan.
  3. In 1967, FR-1 was introduced as option of Hammond organ.
  4. "MULTIVOX RHYTHM ACE FR-3 | Vintage Rhythm Box 1979 | HD Demo". MatrixSynth. June 3, 2012. This is a quite rare little analog rhythm box from 1979. ... The mechanical hardware looks to me like old Korg Minipops units. Was Korg involved? ;-)
  1. Ace Tone Canary S-2. organ69 (image).
  2. Ace Tone Canary S-3. organ69 (image).
  3. 1 2 Ace Tone Top-9 Combo Organ. EstEcho (images).
  4. Ace Tone GT-5. Orgel Wiki (image).
  5. Ace Tone GT-7. Orgel Wiki (image).
  6. Ace Tone B 422. (image).
  7. Ace Tone Multistrings SY-5 (image). Audio Playground Synthesizer Museum. Archived from the original on 2008-06-30.
  8. Ace Tone PS1000 Monophonic Synth. EstEcho (images).
  9. Ace Tone EC-20 Echo Chamber. EstEcho (images).
  10. Ace Tone Twin Ace (FW-1). (images).
  11. Ace Tone Wah Master (WM-1). (images).
  12. Ace Tone Rhythm Producer FR-15. EstEcho (images).
  13. Caknobs (2011-12-30). [caknobs] RhythmProducer FR-15's instructions (with CMU-810 FaderBoard). YouTube (video). Today's main machine is "ACE TONE RhythmProducer〔FR-15〕". This RhythmBox was born in 1975. This time, I made the system, without sampling FR-15's sound.
  14. Ace Tone Rhythm Fever FR-106. EstEcho (images).
  15. 1 2 3 "Dubsounds Hammond Auto-Vari 64 Samples", Vintage Drums (Dubsounds)
  16. "Multivox Archive Page". (images). Audio Playground Synthesizer Museum. Archived from the original on May 21, 2003.


External links

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