Achim Müller

Achim Müller
Born Detmold, Germany
Nationality German
Fields Chemistry
Institutions University of Bielefeld
Alma mater University of Göttingen

Achim Müller (born February 14, 1938 in Detmold, Germany) is a German scientist. He is working now with his research group at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Bielefeld.

Academic career

Achim Müller studied chemistry and physics at the University of Göttingen and received there his PhD degree (1965) and the Habilitation (1967). In 1971 he became professor at the University of Dortmund, and since 1977 he is professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Bielefeld. His research involves the chemistry of transition metals in synthesis, spectroscopy, and theory especially with relation to nanochemistry,[1][2] bioinorganic chemistry including biological nitrogen fixation,[3] molecular magnets,[4][5] molecular physics as well as history and philosophy of science.[6] (for special publications regarding nanochemistry see Refs [7-13]). He has published besides about 900 original papers in more than 100 different journals related to different fields, more than 40 reviews and is coeditor of 14 books (see External links below). Achim Müller is a member of several national and international academies (e.g. Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, Polish Academy of Sciences, The Indian National Science Academy) and is recipient of numerous awards (honorary doctor degrees, -professorships and -memberships) and prizes (e.g. Alfred Stock Memorial Prize 2000, Prix Gay-Lussac/Humboldt 2001, Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson Prize 2001, Centenary Lecture of the Royal Society of Chemistry 2008/9, London) as well as named lectureships. In 2012 he was awarded with the prestigious "Advanced Grant" by the European Research Council (ERC)[7] (for Honors see external links).


Porous nanosized spherical polyoxomolybdate based capsule: the 20 stepwise closable pores with crown-ether function are filled with guanidinium cations/guests.

His currently most compelling research relates mainly to bottom-up pathways towards tailor-made porous metal oxide nanoclusters and their use as versatile materials of interdisciplinary character. This includes the following topics(see especially Ref.[1]):

Müller's discovery of the molecular giant spheres (Keplerates) of the type Mo132 (diameter ca. 3 nm) and their derivatives,[8] of the wheel shaped cluster Mo154 (Refs. 1 and [9]) and hedgehog shaped cluster Mo368 (as large as 6 nm) has caused a paradigm shift not only regarding their sizes but especially due to their unique properties as nanomaterials. These single molecules are quite large; this can be shown by taking the length of an oxygen molecule with two atoms (length 0.12 nm) as a unit, then considering Mo368 which is 50 times as large. Müller's related work shows quite a number of applications (see above), for example, how cellular processes like ion-transport can be modeled based on the spherical porous capsules[10][11] and how the latter can be used to remove toxic compounds from water.[12] All the mentioned nanomaterials belong to a class commonly known as polyoxometalates and some special ones to the molybdenum blue family.[13][14] The compounds are studied worldwide by many groups especially related to problems of Materials Science (see Ref. [1]).


For a complete list of publications and also response to Müller's publications in form of highlights see homepage: See also Thomson Reuters, Highly Cited Research:


He likes ancient Greek philosophy, classical music and mountain hiking. He has a love for woodland birds since his early childhood, a pastime which had been cherished by his father.


  1. From linking of metal-oxide building blocks in a dynamic library to giant clusters with unique properties and towards adaptive chemistry; A. Müller, P. Gouzerh, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, 41, 7431.
  2. SupramolecularInorganic Chemistry: Small Guests in Small and Large Hosts, A. Müller, H. Reuter, S. Dillinger, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.,1995, 34, 1071.
  3. a) Iron-only nitrogenase: exceptional catalytic, structural and spectroscopic features, in: Catalysts for Nitrogen Fixation: Nitrogenases, Relevant Chemical Models, and Commercial Processes, K. Schneider, A. Müller (Eds.: B. E. Smith, R. L. Richards, W. E. Newton), Kluwer, Dordrecht (2004), p. 281; b) Towards Biological Supramolecular Chemistry: A Variety of Pocket-Templated, Individual Metal Oxide Cluster Nucleations in the Cavity of a Mo/W-Storage Protein, J. Schemberg, K. Schneider, U. Demmer, E. Warkentin, A. Müller, U. Ermler, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 2408; corrigendum: 2007, 46, 2970.
  4. Structure-related frustrated magnetism of nanosized polyoxometalates: aesthetics and properties in harmony, P. Kögerler, B. Tsukerblat, A. Müller, Dalton Trans., 2010, (Perspective Article) 39, 21.
  5. Quantum oscillations in a molecular magnet, S. Bertaina, S. Gambarelli, T. Mitra, B. Tsukerblat, A. Müller, B. Barbara, Nature, 2008, 453, 203; corrigendum: Nature, 2010, 466, 1006.
  6. For example: a) Die inhärente Potentialität materieller (chemischer) Systeme, A. Müller, Philosophia naturalis, 1998, Bd. 35, Heft 2, 333; b) Naturgesetzlichkeiten – Chemie lediglich ein Bereich zwischen Physik und biologischen Gesetzen ?, A. Müller, Philosophia naturalis, 2000, Bd. 37, Heft 2, 351; c) Chemie und Ästhetik - die Formenvielfalt der Natur als Ausdruck ihrer Kreativität, A. Müller, ZiF (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung der Universität Bielefeld), Mitteilungen, 1999, 4, 7; d) Science, Society, and Hopes of a Renaissance Utopist, A. Müller, Science & Society, 2000, 1, 23
  7. Molecular growth from a Mo176 to a Mo248 cluster, A. Müller, S. Q. N. Shah, H. Bögge, M. Schmidtmann, Nature, 1999, 397, 48
  8. Picking up 30 CO2 Molecules by a Porous Metal Oxide Capsule Based on the Same Number of Receptors, S. Garai, E. T. K. Haupt, H. Bögge, A. Merca, A. Müller, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2012, 51, 10528.
  9. Self-assembly in aqueous solution of wheel-shaped Mo154 oxide clusters into vesicles, T. Liu, E. Diemann, H. Li, A.W.M. Dress, A. Müller, Nature, 426, 2003, 59-62.
  10. Guests on Different Internal Capsule Sites Exchange with Each Other and with the Outside, O. Petina, D. Rehder, E.T.K. Haupt, A. Grego, I.A. Weinstock, A. Merca, H. Bögge, J. Szakacs, A. Müller, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 410-414.
  11. Mimicking Biological Cation-Transport Based on Sphere-Surface Supramolecular Chemistry: Simultaneous Interaction of Porous Capsules with Molecular Plugs and Passing Cations, A. Merca, E.T.K. Haupt, T. Mitra, H. Bögge, D. Rehder, A. Müller, Chem. Eur. J., 2007, 13, 7650.
  12. Hydrophobic Interactions and Clustering in a Porous Capsule: Option to Remove Hydrophobic Materials from Water, C. Schäffer, A. M. Todea, H. Bögge, O. A. Petina, D. Rehder, E.T.K. Haupt, A. Müller, Chem. Eur. J.,2011, 17, 9634
  13. A Nanosized Molybdenum Oxide Wheel with a Unique Electronic-Necklace Structure: STM Study with Submolecular Resolution, D. Zhong, F. L. Sousa, A. Müller, L. Chi, H. Fuchs, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50, 7018.
  14. Soluble Molybdenum blue-"des Pudels Kern", A. Müller, C. Serain, Acc. Chem. Res., 2000, 33, 2.

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External links

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