Acronyms in healthcare
The following is a partial list of 'initialisms and acronyms commonly used in health care'. The terms listed are used in the English language within the health care systems of various countries.
Health care
- AACOM—American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine
- AAHAM—American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management
- AAHP—American Association of Health Plans
- AAPCC—Average Adjusted Per Capita Cost
- AARP—American Association of Retired Persons
- ABN—Advance beneficiary notice
- ACA—Affordable Care Act
- ACGME—Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
- ACHE—American College of Healthcare Executives
- ACO-Accountable care organization
- ACLS—Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support
- ACR—Adjusted community rating
- ACS—American Cancer Society … also American College of Surgeons
- ACU—Ambulatory care unit
- ADA—Americans with Disabilities Act … also American Diabetes Association
- ADC—Average daily census
- ADS—Alternative delivery system
- AGPA—American Group Practice Association
- AHA—American Hospital Association … or American Heart Association
- AHRQ—Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- AIDS—Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- ALJ—Administrative law judge
- ALOS—Average length of stay
- AMA—American Medical Association
- AMCRA—American Medical Care and Review Association
- ANA—American Nurses Association
- AOA—American Osteopathic Association
- AONE—American Organization of Nurse Executives
- APC—Ambulatory Payment Classification
- APG—Ambulatory Patient Group
- APR-DRG—All payer refined diagnostic related group
- ARC—American Red Cross
- ASC—Ambulatory surgery center
- ASO—Administrative services only contract
- BBA—Balanced Budget Act of 1997
- BBRA—Balanced Budget Relief Act of 1999
- BCAA—Blue Cross Association of America
- BCBSI—Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Iowa now known as Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Iowa
- BLS—Basic Life Support
- BHAI—Behavioral Health Affiliate of Iowa
- BIA—Bureau of Indian Affairs
- BIPA—Benefits Improvement & Protection Act of 2000
- BLS—Bureau of Labor Statistics
- CAH—Critical access hospital
- Cahaba GBA—Cahaba Government Benefit Administrators, LLC (administers Medicare health insurance for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
- CAHPS-Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
- CAM—Complementary and alternative medicine
- CARF—Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
- CAT—Computerized axial tomography
- CAA—Care area assessment
- CBSA—Core based statistical area
- CCI—Correct coding initiative
- CCR—Cost-to-charge ratio
- CCU—Cardiac care unit
- CDC—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.)
- CHA—Catholic Health Association
- CHAMPUS—Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
- CHAMPVA—Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Veterans Administration
- CICU—Cardiac intensive care unit
- CIPI—Capital input price index
- CISM—Critical incident stress management
- CLIA—Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (1967) … also Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (1988)
- CME—Continuing medical education
- CMHC—Community mental health center
- CMI—Case mix index
- CMP—Competitive medical plan … also Civil monetary penalty
- CMS—Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- COB—Coordination of benefits
- COBRA—Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985
- COI—Certificate of Insurance
- CON—Certificate of Need
- COP—Condition of participation
- CORF—Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitative facility
- CPI—Consumer price index
- CPR—Customary, prevailing, and reasonable (charges) … also Cardiac pulmonary resuscitation
- CPT—Current Procedural Terminology
- CQI—Continuous quality improvement
- DEA—Drug Enforcement Administration
- DHPC—Direct Healthcare Professional Communication
- DHS—Department of Human Services (Iowa)
- DMAT—Disaster Medical Assistance Team
- DME—Durable medical equipment … also Direct medical education
- DNR—Department of Natural Resources … also Do not resuscitate … also Do not report
- DRA—Deficit Reduction Act of 2005
- DRG—Diagnosis-related group
- DSA—Disproportionate share adjustment
- DSH—Disproportionate share hospital
- EBP—Evidence-based practice
- ECF—Extended care facility
- EEOC—Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- EHR—Electronic health record
- EMR—Electronic medical record
- EMS—Emergency medical services
- EMTALA—Emergency Medical Transfer Active Labor Act
- EOB—Explanation of benefits
- EOC—Episode of care … also Emergency operations center... also Explanation of coverage
- EOMB—Explanation of Medicare Benefits
- EPA—Environmental Protection Agency
- EPO—Exclusive Provider Organization
- EPSDT—Early periodic screening diagnosis and treatment program
- ER/ED—Emergency room/emergency department
- ERISA—Employee Retirement Income Security Act
- FAQ—Frequently asked questions
- FDA—Food and Drug Administration
- FEC—Freestanding emergency center
- FEHBP—Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
- FFS—Fee for service
- FFWU—Full fever work-up
- FI—Fiscal intermediary
- FPL—Federal Poverty Level
- FQHC—Federally Qualified Health Center
- FSA—Flexible Spending Accounts
- FTC—Federal Trade Commission
- FTE—Full-time equivalent
- GAF—Geographic adjustment factor
- GAO U.S.—Government Accountability Office
- GHAA—Group Health Association of America
- GME—Graduate medical education
- GPCI—Geographic practice cost index
- HANYS—Healthcare Association of New York State
- HAWK-I—Healthy and Well Kids in Iowa
- HCPCS—Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
- HCSE—HealthCare Systems Engineering
- HEDIS—Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set
- HEICS—Hospital emergency incident command system
- HFMA—Healthcare Financial Management Association
- HHA—Home Health Agency
- HHR—Health human resources (or health workforce)
- HHS—Health and Human Services (Federal)
- HHSC—Health and Human Services Commission
- HIAA—Health Insurance Association of America
- HIM—Health information management
- HIPAA—Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- HIPCs—Health Insurance Purchasing Cooperatives
- HIPPS-Health Insurance Prospective Payment System
- HMO—Health maintenance organization
- HPB—Historic payment basis
- HPCI—Health Policy Corporation of Iowa
- HPSA—Health Professional Shortage Area
- HQRM—Healthcare quality and resource management
- HSR—Hospital-specific rate
- IAHSA—Iowa Association of Homes and Services for the Aging
- ICD—International Classification of Diseases
- ICF/MR—Intermediate Care Facility for the Mentally Retarded
- ICN—Iowa Communications Network
- ICS—Incident command system
- ICU—Intensive care unit
- IDIA—Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals
- IDN—Integrated Delivery Network
- IDPH—Iowa Department of Public Health
- IDS—Integrated delivery system
- IFMC—Iowa Foundation for Medical Care
- IHA—Iowa Hospital Association
- IHC—Iowa Healthcare Collaborative
- IHHCC—Iowa Hospital Home Care Council
- IHERF—Iowa Hospital Education & Research Foundation
- IHI—Institute for Healthcare Improvement
- IHO—Iowa Hospice Organization
- IHS—Indian Health Services
- IME—Indirect Medical Education … also Iowa Medicaid Enterprise
- IMGMA—Iowa Medical Group Management Association
- IMS—Iowa Medical Society
- INA—Iowa Nurses Association
- IOM—Institute of Medicine
- IOMA—Iowa Osteopathic Medical Association
- IONL—Iowa Organization of Nurse Leaders
- IPA—Independent Practice Association
- IPF—Inpatient psychiatric facility
- IRB—Institutional review board
- IRF—Inpatient rehabilitation facility
- ISMP—Institute for Safe Medication Practices
- ITC—Iowa Trauma Coordinators
- ITPDM—Initiative to Pay Doctors More
- LAMA—Left against medical advice
- LCD—Local coverage determinations
- LOS—Length of stay
- LSA—Legislative Service Agency
- LTC—Long-term care
- MA—Medicare Advantage
- MAC—Medicare Administrative Contractor
- MB—Market basket
- MBI—Market basket index
- MCO—Managed care organization
- MDA—Muscular Dystrophy Association
- MDC—Major Diagnostic Category
- MDH—Medicare Dependent Hospital
- MDS—Minimum Data Set
- MedPAC—Medicare Payment Advisory Commission
- MEI—Medical economic index
- MFS—Medicare fee schedule
- MGCRB—Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board
- MLP—Mid-level practitioner
- MMA—Medicare Modernization Act of 2003
- MOB—Medical office building
- MRI—Magnetic resonance imaging
- MSA—Metropolitan statistical area
- MSO—Management service organization
- MUA—Medically underserved area
- MUP—Medically underserved population
- MVPS—Medicare volume performance standard
- NB—Newborn
- NBC—Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
- NCD—National coverage determination
- NCQA—National Committee for Quality Assurance
- NDMS—National Disaster Medical System
- NF—Nursing facility
- NIC—Neonatal intensive care
- NICU—Neonatal intensive care unit
- NIH—National Institutes of Health
- NIMS—National Incident Management System
- NLRB—National Labor Relations Board
- NP—Nurse practitioner
- NPI—National Provider Identifier
- NQF—National quality forum
- OASIS—Outcome and Assessment Information Set
- OBRA—Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
- ODS—Organized delivery system
- OIG—Office of Inspector General
- OMB—Office of Management and Budget
- OPO—Organ procurement organization
- OPP—Out-of-pocket payments
- OR—Operating room
- OSHA—Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- OT—Occupational therapy
- OTC—Over-the-counter
- PA—Physician assistant
- PACS—Picture archiving and communication system
- PCN—Primary care network
- PCP—Primary care physician (or primary care provider if the provider is an NP, PA, or other non-physician)
- PDL—Prescription drug list
- PDP—Prescription drug plan
- PET—Positron emission tomography
- PFFS—Private fee-for-service
- PHN—Public health nurse
- PHO—Physician hospital organization
- PHS—Public health services
- POS—Point of service
- PPE—Personal protective equipment
- PPI—Producer price index
- PPO—Preferred provider organization
- PPRC—Physician Payment Review Commission
- PPS—Prospective payment system
- PQRS-Physician Quality Reporting System
- PRO—Peer review organization
- PRRB—Provider reimbursement review board
- PSO—Provider sponsored organization
- PT—Physical therapy
- QA—Quality assurance
- QI—Quality improvement
- QIO—Quality improvement organizations
- RBRVS—Resource-based relative value scale
- RHC—Rural health clinic
- RPB 6—Regional Policy Board 6 (AHA)
- RUGs—Resource utilization groups
- RVS—Relative value scale
- RVU—Relative value unit
- SCH—Sole community hospital
- SCHIP—State Children's Health Insurance Program
- SEIU—Service Employees International Union
- SGR—Sustainable Growth Rate
- SMDA—Safe Medical Devices Act (1990)
- SNF—Skilled nursing facility
- SNS—Strategic National Stockpile
- SPECT—Single-photon-emission computerized tomography
- SSA—Social Security Administration
- SSI—Supplemental Security Income
- STHP—Short Term Health Plan
- TPA—Third-party administrator or third-party administration
- TQI—Total quality improvement
- TQM—Total quality management
- TRHCA—Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006
- UB-04—Uniform Billing Form, modified in 2004
- UB-92—Uniform Billing Form, modified in 1992
- UC—Urgi Center
- UCR—Usual, customary and reasonable (charges)
- UR—Utilization review
- USPHS—United States Public Health Service
- VA—Veterans Administration
- VBPM—Value-based payment modifier
- VHA—Voluntary Hospitals of America
- WHO—World Health Organization
- WIC—Women and infant children program
Disaster preparedness
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