Adam's Lament (Pärt)

Adam's Lament (Russian: Адамов плач Adamov plach) is a 2009 choral composition in Russian language by Estonian composer Arvo Pärt on a text by Silouan of Athos (Силуан Афонский).[1] The work is scored for choir and orchestra, and is a setting of the words of Saint Silouan.<ref name="The New York Times - 26 October 2012 - Arvo Pärt: "Adam's Lament" and other Choral Works">Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim (26 October 2012). "Arvo Pärt: "Adam's Lament" and other Choral Works". The New York Times (The New York Times Company). Retrieved 15 June 2014. </ref> Pärt has been reported to say that the fallen Adam of the work represents "humankind in its entirety and each individual person alike".[2]


The poem by Silouan begins:

"Адам, отец вселенной, в Раю знал сладость любвьи Божией,
И потому, когда был изгнан из Рая за грех и лишился любвьи Божией,
Горько страдал и с великим стоном рыдал на всю пустыню."
"Adam, otets vselennoy, v rayu znal sladost' lyubvi Bozhiyey, i potomu, kogda byl izgnan iz raya za grekh i lishilsya lyubvi Bozhiyey, gor'ko stradal i s velikim stonom rydal na vsyu pustynyu."[3][4]
Adam, the father of the universe, in heaven knew the sweetness of the love of God, and therefore, when he was expelled from heaven for the sin and lost the love of God,


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