Adam Ries

Adam Ries

Adam Ries in his 58th year of age, his only contemporary portrait
Born 1492
Bad Staffelstein
Died March 30, 1559
Nationality German
Fields Mathematics

Adam Ries (1492 – March 30, 1559) was a German mathematician. He is also known by the name Adam Riese.[1]


Almost nothing is known about Ries' childhood, youth and education. It is not even possible to determine the year of his birth with certainty. The caption on the only known contemporary portrait of the mathematician reads: ANNO 1550 ADAM RIES SEINS ALTERS IM LVIII. So he was in his 58th year of age at the time of the picture, which was made in 1550. From this it can be deduced that he was born in 1492, although if he did not turn 58 until the end of 1550, he could alternatively have been born in 1493.

The location of his birth, Staffelstein, can be determined with certainty, since he gives information about himself in the preface to his book, Coß. His father was the owner of the mill there, Contz Ries, and his mother, Eva Kittler, was his father's second wife.

The first decades after Ries' birth are not documented, so it is not known which schools he attended. There is also no information about the studies of the later mathematician in the matriculation registers of the universities which existed at that time.

The first time that Adam Ries was mentioned in a document was on 22 April 1517, when he appeared before the Council of Staffelstein because of a dispute over an inheritance. By 1509, he was already living with his younger brother, Conrad, in Zwickau, who attended the Latin school there. In 1518, Ries went to Erfurt, where he ran a mathematics school, and he wrote two of his mathematics books and had them published there.

In 1522 or 1523, he moved to the newly founded mining town of Annaberg where he spent the rest of his life. There he finished work on the manuscript of his algebra textbook, Coß, in 1524, although the book was not published until 1992 by B.G. Teubner. During this time, Ries became acquainted with Anna Leuber, the daughter of Freiberg master fitter, Andreas Leuber. The wedding of the couple was mentioned in the register of the St. Anne's Church in Annaberg in 1525. In the same year, he took the oath of citizenship, purchased a house in Johannisgasse in Annaberg and settled down. He first earned his living as a Rezessschreiber (a person who checked the calculations of the mines), and later as a Gegenschreiber (a bookkeeper of the mines) and Zehntner (regional financial administrator). In 1539, he bought "Riesenburg", a small castle outside of the town, whose buildings still bear his name today. After his last work appeared in print in 1550, Ries died on 30 March 1559. Because of scanty information, it is not known where he is buried, whether in Annaberg, the Riesenburg or elsewhere.


Rechnung auff der linihen
Rechnung auff der linihen und federn
Arithmetic book, 1574
Adam Ries monument at the St. Trinitatiskirche in Annaberg-Buchholz
Bust in Erfurt

Ries and his wife had at least eight children. Three of the five sons, Adam, Abraham, and Jacob, were all active as mathematicians in Annaberg at times. While Abraham and Jacob died in their home town in 1604, Adam is supposed to have settled in the Harz mountains. The fourth son, Isaac, moved to Leipzig, where he was active as a Visierer (a master of weights and measures). Paul, the fifth son, was a landowner and judge in Wiesa. The three daughters, Eva, Anna and Sybilla, all married in Annaberg.

Adam Ries' descendants are the subject of constant, detailed genealogical research. Great numbers of his descendants still live in the upper Ore Mountains today. The Adam-Ries-Bund (Adam Ries Association, see external links) has taken on the task of researching all of the descendants of Adam Ries and, to date, has more than 20,000 direct descendants in its continually updated data bank.


Ries did not write his works in Latin, as was usual at that time, but in German.[2]


In today's usage, both variants of his name, "Ries" and "Riese" can be found. The latter is a grammatical relic from the time of the mathematician, where the names of people were also declined (the -e ending indicates the dative case), so the name "Ries" had the ending "-e" added when used in the German expression "nach Adam Riese", which is still used today. This expression means "according to Adam Ries" and it is used when speaking about simple arithmetic, e.g. zwei und zwei macht, nach Adam Riese, vier (two plus two is, according to Adam Ries, four). The "-e" added to his name is commonly not recognized as a declension ending today, however. Furthermore, the German word "Riese" can be translated as "giant" in English, thus inspiring a common tongue-in-cheek adaptation of the beforementioned saying, "nach Adam Riese und Eva Zwerg" ("according to Adam Giant and Eve Dwarf).

Since the spelling of names was not as fixed at that time as it is today, the spellings "Ris, "Rise", "Ryse" and even "Reyeß" are also sometimes found.



On the occasion of the 400th birthday of Adam Ries, the Annaberg Historical Society decided in 1891 to put up a monument to the mathematician. The sculpture by the Dresden sculptor, Henze, was not dedicated until 5 November 1893 because of financial difficulties. In 1943, the bronze bust was melted to make armaments and it was replaced ten years later by a sandstone copy. At the end of the 1970s, this was completely removed from the town because of fears that its condition would continue to deteriorate due to the material. In 1991, a new sandstone bust was exhibited in its current position. After severe damage by vandalism in 1992, it was once again reconstructed through the initiative of the Adam Ries Association, and it was once again placed before the church on the 100th anniversary of the first dedication.



Postage Stamps


  1. ↑
  2. ↑ M. A. (Ken) Clements; Alan Bishop; Christine Keitel-Kreidt; Jeremy Kilpatrick; Frederick Koon-Shing Leung (2012), Third International Handbook of Mathematics Education, Springer International Handbooks of Education 27, Springer, p. 14, ISBN 9781461446842.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Adam Ries.
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