Admiral of Castile

Admiral of Castile was a post with a long and important history in Spain. One famous holder was Fadrique Enríquez. Another was Admiral Don Bernardo de Sarrià, Baron of Polop and nobleman in the service of King James II of Aragon.

Admirals of Castile

The following is a list of people who held this title:[1][2][3]

Admiral Notes
Ramón Bonifaz After 1247.
Ruy López de Mendoza Post held from 1253 and 1262.
Fernando Gutiérrez Between 1262 and 1269.
Pedro Martínez de Fee
Pedro Laso de la Vega
Payo Gómez Cherino
Pedro Ruiz de Castañeda
Nuño Díaz de Castañeda died in 1293. Brother of predecessor.
Benito Zacharías Died in 1295. Genovése.
Juan Matheo de Luna Died in 1299.
Fernán Pérez Maymon
Alonso Fernández de Montemolín Sevillano.
Alvar Pérez Abdicated in 1304.
Diego García de Toledo Head of House of Magan and of Mejorada.
Diego Gutiérrez de Cevallos
Bernal de Soria Between 1307 and 1311.
Gilberto de Castelnou Italian.
Alonso Jofre Tenorio Died in 1340.
Alonso Ortiz Calderón Gran Prior of the Order of San Juan. Renounced in 1341.
Egidio Boccanegra Executed in 1367.
Ambrosio Bocanegra Son of predecessor. Died in 1373.
Fernando Sánchez de Tovar Noble from Berlanga. Died in 1382.
Juan Fernández de Tovar Son of predecessor. Died in the Battle of Aljubarrota in 1385.
Rui Díaz de Mendoza Noble of Mendivil. Died in 1390.
Álvaro Pérez de Guzmán Died in 1392.
Diego Hurtado de Mendoza Died in 1405.
Alonso Enríquez Duke of Medina de Rioseco, son of Fadrique de Castilla. Died in 1429.
Fadrique Enríquez I conde de Melgar. Son of predecessor.
Alonso Enríquez Son of predecessor. Died in 1485.
Fadrique Enríquez de Velasco Son of predecessor. Died without heirs in 1538.
Fernando Enríquez de Velasco Brother of predecessor. Died in 1542.
Luis Enríquez y Téllez-Girón Son of predecessor. Died in 1567.
Luis Enríquez de Cabrera Son of predecessor. Died in 1596.
Luis Enríquez de Cabrera y Mendoza Son of predecessor. Died in 1600.
Juan Alfonso Enríquez de Cabrera Son of predecessor. Died in 1647.
Juan Gaspar Enríquez de Cabrera Son of predecessor. Died in 1691.
Juan Tomás Enríquez de Cabrera Son of predecessor. Felipe V dismissed him from his post for making peace with the aristocracy during the wars of Spanish succession.


  1. ↑ Alonso Fernández de Madrid: Silva palentina, vol. I, págs. 247–248.
  2. ↑ Francisco Xavier de Garma y Salcedo: Theatro universal de España: descripción eclesiástica y secular de todos sus reynos y provincias, vol. III, pág. 354 y ss.
  3. ↑ Pedro Salazar de Mendoza: Origen de las dignidades seglares de Castilla y León, cap. XV.
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