Aerobic digestion

Aerobic digestion is a process in sewage treatment deigned to reduce the volume of sewage sludge and make it stable [1] appropriate for subsequent use.[2] It is a bacterial process occurring in the presence of oxygen. Bacteria rapidly consume organic matter and convert it into carbon dioxide, water and and a range of lower molecular weight organic compounds. As there is no new supply of organic material from sewage, the activated sludge biota begin to die and are used as food by saporotrophic bacteria. This stage of the process is known as endogenous respiration and it is process that reduces the solid concentration in the sludge.


Aerobic digestion is typically used in an activated sludge treatment plant. Waste activated sludge and primary sludge are combined ,where appropriate, and passed to a thickener where the solids content is increased. This substantially reduces the volume that is required to be treated in the digester.The process is usually run as a batch process with more than one digester tank in operation at any one time.[3] Air is pumped through the tank and the contents are stirred to keep the contents fully mixed. Carbon dioxide, waste air and small quantities of other gases including hydrogen sulfide are given off. These waste gases require treatment to reduce odours in works close to housing or capable of generating public nuisance.[3] The digestion is continued until the percentage is degradable solids is reduced to between 20% and 10% depending on local conditions[2]


Because the aerobic digestion occurs much faster than anaerobic digestion, the capital costs of aerobic digestion are lower.

The process is usually run at ambient temperature and the process is much less complex than anaerobic digestion and is easier to manage.


The operating costs are typically much greater for aerobic digestion than for anaerobic digestion because of energy used by the blowers, pumps and motors needed to add oxygen to the process. However, recent technological advances include non-electrically aerated filter systems that use natural air currents for the aeration instead of electrically operated machinery.

The digested sludge is relatively low in residual energy and although it can be dried and incinerated to produce heat, the energy yield is very much lower than that produced by anaerobic digestion


  1. "Aerobic Diestion" (PDF). Water Environment Federation. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  2. 1 2 "Handbook Biological Wastewater Treatment - Design of Activated Sludge Systems". Retrieved 19 March 2016.
  3. 1 2 "Aerobic digestion of sludge". Johns Creek Environmental Campus. Retrieved 19 March 2016.
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