Afghan rupee

The rupee was the currency of Afghanistan until 1925. Before 1891, silver rupees circulated with copper falus and gold mohur. The three metals had no fixed exchange rate between them, with different regions issuing their own coins.

In 1891, a new currency was introduced, based on the Kabuli rupee. The rupee was subdivided into 60 paisa, each of 10 dinar. Other denominations issued included the shahi of 5 paisa, the sanar of 10 paisa, the abbasi of 20 paisa, the qiran of 30 paisa and the tilla and later the amani, both of 10 rupee. The rupee was replaced in 1925 by the Afghani, which is the currency today.

The rupee itself was first issued by Afghan monarch Sher Shah Suri during his rule of northern India in the sixteenth century; India still uses its own variant of the rupee (along with Pakistan - see Pakistani rupee - since its creation in 1947), whereas Afghanistan does not.


In 1919, Treasury notes were introduced in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 rupees.


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