African cassava mosaic virus

African cassava mosaic virus
Virus classification
Group: II: The ssDNA Viruses
Family: Geminiviridae
Genus: Begomovirus
Species: African cassava mosaic virus

cassava latent virus
cassava mosaic virus
cassava African mosaic virus

African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV, ICTV approved acronym) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Geminiviridae that may cause either a mosaic appearance to plant leaves, or chlorosis, a loss of chlorophyll. In Manihot esculenta (cassava), a highly valuable African food crop, the virus is the only known plant virus for cassava and causes severe mosaic. Cassava is a food crop in many places throughout the tropics and subtropics as a source of carbohydrates, but the transmission and severity of disease for cassava in Africa is greatest with ACMV.


African cassava mosaic virus is transmitted by a whitefly.

External links

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