Agastya Samhita

Agastya Saṁhitā (literally: "Agastya code") is a Sanskrit text written by indian Ṛṣi (rishi) Agastya. It is one of the Pāñcarātra Texts.

The manuscript is now kept in the library of Ujjain, India.

Alleged hoax about the "recipe" to make batteries

Some researchers, including David Hatcher Childress,[1] who writes on alternative history and historical revisionism, have stated that a series of instructions for building a device similar to a battery is found in this sanskrit text.[2] Childress and others have been accused by many experts of making pseudo-scientific and pseudo-archaeological claims.


  1. In his book "Technology of the Gods"
  2. A Short history of Electrochemistry in India

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This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Thursday, October 08, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.