Ahmed El Bidaoui

Ahmed El Bidaoui احمد البيضاوي was a Moroccan musician and singer.


(born ? - 1991 at Salé)

It is difficult to find precise traces in the chronology of his life; it is known however that since his childhood, he evolved/moved in the musical environment of his family. Afterwards, he attended school to learn from masters the principles of the modalism and Arabic rhythmic styles.

Ahmed El Bidaoui defined the function of the type-setter who according to him organizes, according to a system which is clean for him and which characterizes musical work, as a succession of sounds.

His view of the music

Ahmed El Bidaoui noted:

A type-setter of music is a creative musician of music. It is also said that the written type-setter of the music, whereas this one is not inevitably immediately retranscribed on a partition. Indeed, the word 'type-setter' tends to be employed whatever the kind and the type of music concerned.
It will also say that the concept of type-setter, who "thinks" and the music - for the music "writes" having a system of notation, supposes the existence of an interpreter, who carries out this one. Ahmed El Bidaoui

Being a complete artist, Ahmed El Bidaoui composed and interpreted indeed almost all of his songs. They are eternal songs by their words, their topics, their music... that the Moroccans know by heart and interpret still today with delight and nostalgia.



  1. Bladi
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