Ahmed Skirej

Ahmed Skirej (also transcribed Skiredj) or Abu-l-Abbas Ahmed ibn al-Iyyashi Sukayrij al-Khazraji Al-Ansari al-Fasi (1878-1944) was a well known Moroccan Sufi scholar and judge.[1] He wrote a great number of books, but is especially well known for his voluminous work on the companions of Sidi Ahmad al-Tijani: Kitab kashf al-Hijab ámman talaaqa bi-Shaykh Tijani mina-l As'hab (Raising the veil of the companions who encountered Sheikh Tijani).

Books by Ahmed Skirej


  1. Temsamani, Abdelaziz Khalouk, "Hayât al-qâdî Ahmad Skîrj wa âthâruhu" (Vie et œuvre d'Ahmed Skirej:1878-1944), Majallat dâr an-niyâba 9 (1986), pp. 49-57

External links

See also

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