
Scientific classification
Domain: Archaea
Kingdom: "Proteoarchaeota" or incertae sedis
Phylum: "Aigarchaeota" or "Thaumarchaeota"
  • Ca. "Caldiarchaeum subterraneum"

The Aigarchaeota are a proposed archaeal phylum of which the main representative is Caldiarchaeum subterraneum.[1] It is not yet clear if this represents a new phylum or a thaumarchaeal order, since the genome of Caldiarchaeum subterraneum encodes several thaumarchaeal features.[2]


  1. Nunoura, T; Takaki, Y; Kakuta, J; Nishi, S; Sugahara, J; Kazama, H; Chee, GJ; Hattori, M; Kanai, A; Atomi, H; Takai, K; Takami, H (April 2011). "Insights into the evolution of Archaea and eukaryotic protein modifier systems revealed by the genome of a novel archaeal group.". Nucleic Acids Research 39 (8): 3204–23. doi:10.1093/nar/gkq1228. PMID 21169198.
  2. Brochier-Armanet, Celine; Forterre, Patrick; Gribaldo, Simonetta (June 2011). "Phylogeny and evolution of the Archaea: one hundred genomes later". Current Opinion in Microbiology 14 (3): 274–281. doi:10.1016/j.mib.2011.04.015.

Further reading

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