Ajami dialect

Ajami (Achomi) (Persian: اَچُمی) is an Iranian language spoken in the south of Iran, mostly Fars province. Cities that speak this dialect include Lar, Evaz, Gerash, Khonj, Bastak, Khour, Koureh, Fedagh along with many others. Achomi is close to Persian in some aspects but it is an independent language. In fact Achomi grammar is far from Persian.

In Eastern Arabia (Arab States of the Persian Gulf)

Iranian people who have migrated from southern Iran to the Arab States of the Persian Gulf at the early 20th century still speak this dialect in their homes, however, this variety has been highly influenced by the Arabic language.

Official name

Achomi is not the official name of this language, it's just the name that was given to it by its speakers in the Persian Gulf to differentiate it from Persian. In Achomi language, "achom" or "achem" (in some dialects) means "let's go". Similarly in Kurdish and particularly Southern Kurmanji, achim means "I am going". These dialects are as much related to Persian as they are to Kurdish, but are much closer to Kurdish language than Persian. If these people originally emigrated to southern Iran, to stay Sunnis only confirms that these people are Kurdish and their language is a form of Kurdish dialect influenced heavily by Persian and Arabic. The Safavid started in Kurdish areas of today's Iran and are one of the few groups and tribes who stood their grounds in the face of Shiatism were Kurds who live in today's Kurdistan province of Iran. The capital of the region is called Sanandaj which basically means "The fortress of the Sunnis", in Persian and Kurdish.

Speakers of Achomi (Persians that grew up in the Persian Gulf) dialect that come from different towns might also find some variations in some words and may differ slightly in grammar and particularly in accent. Hence, if the speaker is from Evaz they refer to him or her as speaking Evazi and if he/she is from Bastak it becomes Bastaki.

Accents and variations of Achomi

Since the Achomi region is widespread, there are different Achomi accents and some slight differences in grammar. For example, in some places people say "raftom" for "I went" (very similar to the Persian "raftam"), but in some other places like Lar people say "chedem" instead, Kurdish (dichim or dechim).

Examples of Achomi (Lari accent)



To create a passive verb in past tense we can use the verb root plus its proper prefix. For example, in Achomi (Lari), the root for the verb "to tell" is "got" ("gota" equals "tell").

omgot(om+got), Kurdish (migot or min got) = I told ...

otgot(om+got), Kurdish (tugot or tegot) = You told...

oshgot(osh+got), Kurdish (wigot) = He told...

mogot(mo+got), Kurdish (megot) = We told...

togot(to+got), Kurdish pl (wegot) = You(pl) told

shogot(sho+got), Kurdish (wa-n got) = They told

Another example: "deda" means "see," and "dee" Kurdish (Deed or dee) is the root verb. So:

omdee= I saw, Kurdish (mideed,midee, min deed, min dee)

otdee= you saw, Kurdish (tu-te dee)....

To create a simple present or continued present tense of a passive verb, here's another example:

agota'em (a+got+aem):I am telling...

agota'esh (a+got+aesh): You are telling...

agotay (a+got+ay): He is telling...

agota'am (a+got+a'am): We are telling...

agotay (a+got+ay): You(pl) are telling...

agota'en (a+got+a'en): They are telling...

For the verb "see" ("deda"):

adead'em, adeda'esh, adeaday,...

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