
Banu Al-Mazeedi (المزيدي), or Banu Mazyad, an Arabic tribe in Iraq, were the descendants of Adnan. Initially they were part of the Banu Asad tribe living in the time of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. In 998 AD, their leader, Ali ibn Mazyad, established an independent state, Mazyadid, in the Kufa area, Iraq. A powerful military protected the state for more than a century.


The Banu Mazyad acquired titles and subsidies from the Buyids in return for military services. In 1012, their crowning achievement was the founding of Hilla which would later become their capital.[1]

The rulers of the Mazyadid State were said to be " Arabs, belonging to Bani Mazid from the Asadi Tribe. They established themselves with the aptitude of their swords on the banks of Euphrates. They were the refuge of those who were in need, the shelter for the expectants, the helpers of those who sought help and supporters of the weak. People with desired needs were attracted towards them and the scholars found money with them. What they did in spending on good purpose is too well known and talks of their generosity too common. Sadaqa shook with pride when he listened to poetry and set aside for the poet a special part of his generosity. He made them free from poverty. He accepted them in his audience. He was all ears to listen to the requests of people and very generous in giving them what they needed.[2]

The tribe was ultimately wiped out in 1162 by Caliph Mustanjid and controlled by the Banu Muntafik of the Batiha and the Zangids.

Leaders of Banu Al-Mazeedi

The Al-Mazyad family outside Iraq

Mansour Moosa Al-Mazyadi played an important role in developing a Kuwaiti constitution issued on January 29, 1963 as part of Al Majles Al Ta'sesy or Founding Parliament.[3]

It was recently discovered that some Al-Mazeedi family members migrated to Yemen a few hundred years ago and settled in the region of Hadhramaut where there are still Sunni families who belong to the original Mazeedi's of Iraq. Their tribal name is supposedly Al-Mazyad.

See also


  1. Moojan Momen, An Introduction to Shi'i Islam, Yale University Press 1985
  2. Hasan al-Amin, Shorter Shi'ite Encyclopaedia 2006
  3. Amiri Diwan, The Efforts of the Constituent Assembly, State of Kuwait 2006


External links

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