
  Sura 30 of the Quran  
The Romans

Arabic text · English translation

Classification Meccan
Other names The Byzantines, The Greeks
Position Juzʼ 21
Number of Rukus 6
Number of verses 60
Number of Sajdahs none

Sūrat ar-Rūm (Arabic: سورة الروم, "The Byzantines") is the 30th surah of the Quran. It consists of 60 ayat. The term Rûm originated in the word "Romans" and in the time of Muhammad referred to the Byzantine Empire, hence the title is sometimes also translated as "The Romans".[1]


According to Theodor Nöldeke, ar-Rūm was the second-to-last Meccan surah and the eighty-fourth surah chronologically; however, he argues its 17th ayah was revealed during the Medinan period.[2] While the first ayah of the surah refers to the defeat of the Byzantine Empire at the hands of the Sasanian Empire near Damascus in the spring of 614, Nöldeke notes that this does not necessarily indicate 614 was the year in which the surah was revealed.[2]


The surah begins by noting the recent defeat of the Byzantines by the Persians at the Battle of Antioch. This defeat posed a significant theological and sociological problem for the early Muslim community because the Byzantines were Christians and considered monotheists while the state that defeated them were considered dualists because the official religion was Zoroastrianism. The surah is in part a response to the non-Muslim Meccans, who took this victory as a sign that the traditional polytheistic practices would win out over monotheism.[3] In the third and fourth ayatayn, the Muslim community is promised that the Byzantines will reverse their defeat into a victory "in a few years' time".[4]

"The Romans were vanquished in the closer region, and they, after being vanquished, will prevail within a certain number of years. To God belongs the command before and after. And that Day ones who believe will be glad with the help of God. He helps whom He wills. And He is The Almighty, The Compassionate."[Quran 30:2–5 (Translated by Laleh Bakhtiar)]

This victory did eventually come during Heraclius' campaign of 622.

Literary units

In his tafsir, entitled "In the Shade of the Qur'an", Sayyid Qutb divides the surah into two halves, verses 1-32 and verses 33-60.[5] Each section begins with an assertion of God's grace and mercy and ends with encouragement for Muhammad and his community.

First Section: "Signs to Reflect Upon"

Second Section: "Bringing Life out of the Dead"

Major themes

The main theme of this surah is the contrast between monotheism and polytheism. In addition to making logical arguments against ascribing partners to Allah, several verses outline the differing fate for idolaters and believers. The unity of God is also emphasized with descriptions of the glory of Allah through illustrations of His wondrous signs and His miraculous creation.

Sample verse

Surah 30 includes a verse comparing the association of partners with God, which is the sin of shirk, to the relationship between a master and his slaves.

"He propounds a parable for you from yourselves. Have you—among those whom your right hands possessed—ascribed associates in what We provided you so that you share as equals and you fear them like your awe for each other? Thus, We explain distinctly the signs to a folk who are reasonable."[Quran 30:28 (Translated by Laleh Bakhtiar)]

See also


  1. The Qur'an. OUP Oxford. 2008. ISBN 978-0-19-157407-8.
  2. 1 2 Theodor Nöldeke (1892). Sketches from Eastern History. A. and C. Black.
  3. Maḥallī, Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, Suyūṭī, and Ṣafī al-Raḥmān Mubārakfūrī. 2002. Tafsīr al-Jalālayn. Riyāḍ: Dār al-Salām.
  4. Abdel Haleem, M. A. 2004. The Qurʼan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 257.
  5. Qutb, Sayyid. In the shade of the Quran. Vol. 13. Alexandria, Va.: Al Saadawi Publications, 1997.

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