Murtada al-Zabidi

al-Murtaḍá al-Husaynī al-Zabīdī (Arabic: المرتضى الحسيني الزبيدي) was an Islamic scholar (1732-1790 CE; 1145-1205 AH).[1]

Born during the year 1145AH/1732CE in Belgram (modern-day Bardhaman district, West Bengal, India) into a family originally from Wasit in Iraq, his parents moved to the Hadramawt region in the east of Yemen, where the Husaynī tribe is situated, and he himself later on spent time in Zabīd in the south western coastal plains of Yemen which was, at the time, a centre for academic learning, before dying in Egypt during an epidemic plague in the year 1205AH/1790CE.

He was affiliated with the Naqshbandi Sufi order and wrote a famous commentary on al-Ghazali's monumental Ihya' Ulum al-Din.

He is also the author of the renowned Tāj al-ʿArūs (تاج العروس), which is the second most frequently cited dictionary of Classical Arabic (after Lisān al-ʿArab by Ibn Manẓūr).


  1. Reichmuth, Stefan (2009). The World of Murtaḍá Al-Zabīdī (1732-91): Life, Networks and Writings. Gibb Memorial Trust. Cover. ISBN 9780906094600.

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