Al Jamia Al Islamiya
Type | Islamic University |
Established | 1955 |
Location | Santapuram, Malappuram, Kerala, India |
Campus | Rural |
Website | |
Al Jamia Al Islamiya, an Islamic university located at Santapuram, Kerala, India,[1] was established to meet the mounting needs of Islamic propagation in India and provide Islamic higher studies and research.[2] After the establishment of Islamiya College in 1955, about 35 batches of scholars have graduated. The formal declaration of the University and inauguration was by international Islamic Scholar Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi in 2003.
As of January 2015. the University comprises Preparatory Course, Usooludheen Faculty and Usooludheen Faculty for women, Sharia Faculty, Qur'an Faculty, Da'wa Faculty, Institution for Imams and Katheebs, Centre for Islamic Economics, Centre for Research and Islamic Studies and Centre for Information Technology. The authority intends to establish different colleges and institutions in the near future.[3]
- To produce pious and active scholars capable of leading the Islamic society in India in terms of knowledge and thought.
- To produce enough propagators, skilled in religious and modern sciences,capable of countering the false allegations against Islam.
- To build a meritorious cadre of leaders to shoulder various leadership responsibilities in India in general and Kerala in particular.
- To contribute to the formation of the Islamic society according to the Islamic fundamentals by the preparation of morally and intellectually matured individuals.
- To produce skilled women with firm faith in God, capable of shouldering their responsibilities in the modern era.
- To conduct special courses for men and women to streamline their potentialities and craftsmanship in the field of propagation, social activities and administration and to train Imams and Khatheebs to make available their services, in reforming the society at large.
- To help Teachers, Students and Research Scholars in carrying out different types of researchs and to promote research on strategic topics concerning the Muslim society in India.
- To formulate a typical Islamic curriculum fusing the useful old and the valid modern aspects of knowledge.
Advisory Council
Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi - Qatar
- Dr. Abdullah Omar Nasseef - Saudi Arabia
- Dr. Ali Mohyuddeen Al Quradagi- Qatar
- Dr. Ali Al Muhammedi-Qatar
- Dr. Saeed Abdullah Harib-U.A.E
- Dr. Najathulla Siddeeqi-India
- Prof. Ibrahim Bumilha- U.A.E
- Prof. Nasir Abdullah Hamdani- U.A.E
- Prof. Abdul Kader Dhahi Al Ajeel- Kuwait
- Prof. Nadir Abdul Azeez Al Noori- Kuwait
- Dr. Mohd Abdul Razaque Al Siddeeque- U.A.E