Alain Bosquet

Alain Bosquet, born Anatoliy Bisk (Russian: Анато́лий Биск) (March 28, 1919, Odessa – 8 March 1998, Paris), was a French poet.


In 1925, his family moved to Brussels and he studied at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, then at the Sorbonne.

Mobilized in 1940, he fought in the Belgian army, then in the French army. In 1942, he fled with his family to Manhattan, where he helped edit the Free French magazine Voix de France. He enlisted in the U.S. Army during World War II, and received U.S. Citizenship. He met his wife, Norma Caplan, in Berlin. He was Special Adviser to the mission on behalf of the Allied Control Council Quadripartite Council of Berlin from 1945 to 1951.[1]

In 1947, with Alexander Koval and Edouard Roditi founded the German-language literary review, Das Lot ("The Sounding Line"), six numbers from October, 1947 until Juni, 1952, with publisher Karl Heinz Henssel in Berlin.

In 1958, he taught French literature at Brandeis University, then American literature at the University of Lyon from 1959 to 1960.[2] He worked as a freelance critic for Combat, Le Monde, and Le Figaro.[3]

He became a French citizen in 1980.

He headed the jury of the Max Jacob Prize, the Académie Mallarmé and was a member of the Royal Academy of Belgium.[4]



English Translations








  2. James Kirkup (11 April 1998). "Obituary: Alain Bosquet". The Independent.
  3. Saxon, Wolfgang (April 8, 1998). "Alain Bosquet, French Writer And Critic, 78". The New York Times.
  6. [from a copy that I am holding in my hands showing copyright mark followed by "by Bernard Grasset 1964." on the reverse of the title page, and an acquisition date in 1965 by my public library.]
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