Alakh Niranjan

Alakh Niranjan is a term in Hinduism and Sikhism where it is used a synonym for Creator, and to describe the characteristics of God and the Self, known as the Atman. Alakh means "sightless" and niranjan means "spotfree". Niranjan is another name of Lord Shiva. Also spelled, "Alekh".

The original Sanskrit term Alakhshya means "one that can not be perceived"[1]

Alakh Niranjan in Yoga tradition

Alakh means A-Lakhshana which means beyond identifying features (lakhshana) or attributes. It refers to Attributeless God or Nirguna Brahman in here. This idea comes from ancient Yoga traditions originating in Swetashwetara Upanishad. This particular Upanishad deals with Yoga, Vedantic Monotheism as well as Shiva as Sat-Chit-Ananda.

Legend has it, that the slogan or elating cry for the Supreme Being was first coined by Rishi Dattatreya. He is thought of as the initiator of the Nath Yoga Cult. The next big name that comes in Nath Yoga tradition is Yogi Matsyendranath. Matsyendra is popularly regarded as the 'first Guru' of Nath Yoga Cult. He first used the words "Alakh Niranjan" to denote God as perceived by a Yoga adept in known history. His disciple is known as Yogi Gorakhnath, also known as Gorakshanath, without whose mention, Nath Yoga becomes unimaginable. It is Gorakhnath and Matsyendranath who popularised Kaya Sadhana throughout known limits of India and beyond.

Gorakhnath actually organised and assimilated most Yogis of the Hatha Yoga and Tantra Cult into the enormous Nath tradition. The city of Gorakhpur in North India is named after the legendary Yogi. 'Alakh Niranjan' became a very popular name for God all over India during and after Gorakhnath's time. Later first Sikh Guru, Nanak used this holy name to denote God.

ADESH ADESH - Whenever Yogis or Nath-Yogis meet, they greet each other with the salutation “Adesh-Adesh!” Gorakshanath the Maha Yogi wrote:

Aatmetu paramaatmeti jiivatmeti vicaarane
Trayaanaam aikya-samshutir asdes’s iti kiirtitah
In our relative thought we distinguish between Atman, Paramatman, and Jiva.
The Truth is that these three are one and a realization of it is called Adesha.

Thus the yogi in his contact with others expressed only the simple truth in the words, “Adesh-Adesh!” It is a foundation stone on which all spiritual light and attainment must be erected. It is the first truth to attain the First Lord

Film adaptions

Alakh Niranjan was adapted into Indian films in 1940, 1950, and in 1975 by Babubhai Mistry.[2]


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