Roman Catholic Diocese of Alba Maritima

Alba Maritima (Italian: Alba Marittima) is a Catholic titular see. It corresponds to current Biograd na Moru in Croatia.[1] Its last titular was archbishop Celso Morga Iruzubieta, until he was appointed as coadjutor archbishop of Mérida-Badajoz.


The titular see refers to the diocese of Zaravecchia (Biograd), and it is also known with the name of Alba Marittima,[2] in Dalmatia, built in XI century; when the city was destroyed bishops moved their titular see to Scardona.

From XX century Alba Marittima has been restored as full Titular see; Current titular bishop is Augusto Paolo Lojudice, Auxiliary bishop of Rome.

Cronotassi dei vescovi titolari

  • Dominik Premuš † (26 febbraio 1915 – 27 marzo 1934 deceduto)[3]

Titular bishops and archbishops


  1. Titular Sees ('A')
  2. Often in historical reference this titular see has been confused with the historical see of Belgrad (Beograd), known from 1290 al 1740 also as Alba Graeca, Alba Bulgarica, or Nandoralba.
  3. In the nomination act, the Acta Apostolicae Sedis refer the see as Bellogradensis et Semendriensis graeci ritus; while, reporting the death of the bishop in 1934,the same documents refer his titular see as Belgrad on the sea thus Alba Maritima.


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