Members of Belfast City Council

This is a list of the 51 members of Belfast City Council, elected at the local elections on 5 May 2011.[1]

Electoral Wards

Belfast City Council currently comprises 60 electoral wards, nominally one for each elected councillor. However, as the PR-STV voting system requires multi-seat constituencies, the 60 wards are grouped into ten district electoral areas (DEA) which elect between five and seven councillors each:


Council members from 2014 election
District electoral area Name Party
Balmoral Máirtín Ó Muilleoir Sinn Féin
Claire Hanna SDLP
Paula Bradshaw Alliance
Christopher Stalford DUP
Jeffrey Dudgeon UUP
Black Mountain Steven Corr Sinn Féin
Janice Austin Sinn Féin
Gerry Carroll People Before Profit
Emma Groves Sinn Féin
Arder Carson Sinn Féin
Tim Atwood SDLP
Ciarán Beattie Sinn Féin
Botanic Ruth Patterson DUP
Emmet McDonough-Brown Alliance
Deirdre Hargey Sinn Féin
Declan Boyle SDLP
Graham Craig UUP
Castle Mary Ellen Campbell Sinn Féin
Patrick Convery SDLP
Nuala McAllister Alliance
Guy Spence DUP
Lydia Patterson DUP
David Browne UUP
Collin David Bell Sinn Féin
Stephen Magennis Sinn Féin
Brian Heading SDLP
Matt Garrett Sinn Féin
Charlene O'Hara Sinn Féin
Bill Groves Sinn Féin
Court Billy Hutchinson PUP
Frank McCoubrey DUP
Brian Kingston DUP
Mary McConville Sinn Féin
Jim McVeigh Sinn Féin
Jolene Bunting TUV
Lisnasharragh Michael Long Alliance
Aileen Graham DUP
Chris McGimpsey UUP
Carole Howard Alliance
Kate Mullan SDLP
Tommy Sandford DUP
Oldpark Mary Clarke Sinn Féin
J.J. Magee Sinn Féin
Gerry McCabe Sinn Féin
Gareth McKee DUP
Julie-Anne Corr PUP
Nichola Mallon SDLP
Ormiston Jim Rodgers UUP
Mervyn Jones Alliance
Laura McNamee Alliance
Peter Johnston UUP
Tom Haire DUP
John Hussey DUP
Ross Brown Green (NI)
Titanic Sonia Copeland UUP
Dr. John Kyle PUP
Adam Newton DUP
Gavin Robinson DUP
Niall Ó Donnghaile Sinn Féin
David Armitage Alliance



The Local Government (Modification of Borough Charters) Order (Northern Ireland) 1973 entitles the Council to appoint up to twelve of its members to the honorary position of alderman. The role of alderman is appointed at the first annual meeting following the election of the Council and does not carry any extra responsibilities other than the right to be referred to as an alderman rather than councillor. Following the local elections in 1997[2] and 2005[3] the Council voted not to appoint any of its members to the positions.

The current Alderman from 1 April 2015 are:

Name District Electoral Area (DEA) Party
Browne, DavidDavid Browne Castle Ulster Unionist Party
Convery , Patrick Patrick Convery Caslte SDLP
Kingston , Brian Brian Kingston Court Democratic Unionist Party
McCoubrey, Frank Frank McCoubrey Court Democratic Unionist Party
McGimpsey, ChrisChris McGimpsey Lisnasharragh Ulster Unionist Party
Patterson , Lydia Lydia Patterson Castle Democratic Unionist Party
Patterson , Ruth Ruth Patterson Botanic Democratic Unionist Party
Spence , Guy Guy Spence Castle Democratic Unionist Party
Rodgers OBE , Jim Jim Rodgers OBE Orminston Ulster Unionist Party
Stalford , Christopher Christopher Stalford Balmoral Democratic Unionist Party

Results by party

Party 2014 2011 2005 2001 1997 1993 1989 1985 1981 1977 1973
Sinn Féin 19 16 14 14 13 10 8 7 0 0 0
Democratic Unionist Party 13 15 15 10 7 9 8 11 15 7 2
Alliance Party of Northern Ireland 8 6 4 3 6 5 6 8 7 13 8
Ulster Unionist Party 7 3 7 11 13 15 14 14 13 15 25
Social Democratic and Labour Party 7 8 8 9 7 9 8 6 6 8 7
Progressive Unionist Party 3 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 0
Other 3 1 1 1 2 ¤ 2 6 † 4 † 9 ‡ 5 †‡ 9 †
Total 60 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51
Notes: † Workers' Party of Ireland (1973 = 2; 1977 = 3; 1985/89 = 1); ‡ Unionist Party of Northern Ireland (1977 = 2; 1981 = 1); ¤ Ulster Democratic Party (1997 = 1)

See also


  1. ↑ "Your Councillors". Belfast City Council. Retrieved 2011-05-31.
  2. ↑ "Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Council, Monday, 2nd June, 1997" (PDF). Belfast City Council. Retrieved 2011-05-31.
  3. ↑ "Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Council, Thursday, 26th May, 2005" (PDF). Belfast City Council. Retrieved 2011-05-31.
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