Alexander Sergeyevich Makarov

Aleksandr Sergeyevich Makarov (born 1946) is the mayor of Tomsk (1996–2011), Russia. He is currently suspended from his office, pending the outcome of a criminal case against him for corruption. Born in Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Krasnodar Krai, his family moved to Tomsk in his childhood. After graduation from Tomsk Medical Institute, he worked as a surgeon in Krasnoyarsk Krai before returning to Tomsk to work in the local psychiatric hospital. Later, he entered the Tomsk State Pedagogical University and earned his teaching certification.

After two years of teaching, Makarov entered public service, first as the chairman of the presidium of Sovietskii rayon (1990–1992) and later as the head of the Sovietskii raion administration (1992–1996). In 1994, he also ran for and won a seat in the Tomsk Oblast duma. His seat in the duma became a springboard for his run for the mayorship of the city in 1996. Makarov defeated Aleksandr Konovalov that year and won re-election in 2000 and 2004. From 1996–2001 he served simultaneously as mayor and as a duma deputy.


On 6 December 2006, Makarov was taken into custody on charges of abusing his office. Initially, he was accused of having extorted over three million rubles ($114,000) from residents by threatening to destroy their real estate and preventing them from rebuilding. The police reported that, after further investigations, he was discovered to own over $1.5 million in apartments. A search of his home uncovered one million rubles ($38,000) with another 300,000 rubles ($11,400) on the mayor himself.[1] 8 December the court of the Soviet region of Tomsk has concluded of the mayor under the sentinel, a 11 December temporarily has discharged of the position down to adjudging court.[2] During the search of his home, Makarov suffered a heart attack and was transported to the hospital. Legal proceedings have been suspended while he is being treated. However, the prosecutor, Sergei Panov, is now considering further charges, alleging that Makarov has made threats against investigators.[3] Panov has also alleged that the mayor's condition is sufficient to allow the trial to move forward. (in Russian) 12 December Makarovu the official charges were shown.[4] Makarov's attorney, Natalia Azurova, has protested to the court that the prosecutor's actions are illegal. Specifically, she claims that searches were conducted at the homes of his children, that sums of money found were not in the "eight figures" claimed by prosecutors and that no actual witnesses have stepped forward. THE arrest the mayor of Tomsk considers(counts) as the political order,[5][6] as the customers of the arrest considers(counts) the speaker of a regional duma Bоrisа Maltseva[7] and former deputy Госдумы of Russia Vladimira Jidkih,[8] which one in October, 2006 together with other deputies Госдумы of Russia from a crew of an authority have elaborated the bill of cancellation of selection of the mayors of regional centers limiting authorities of institutions of local government for the benefit of the chapters of locales.[9] Alexander Makarov has become the informal leader of the chapters of cities outstanding against reduction(abbreviation) of their authorities for the benefit of the governors and cancellation мэрских of selection. The Tomsk mayor was perturbed of the legislative leadership about cancellation of selection of the mayor, which one a number(series) of the deputies from « Unified Russia » have put forward for discussion of the Russian parliament, he even has called as its(her) dangerous and even criminal.[10] Even Advice of Europe has acted against the given bill.[11] С by the request to sign the bill limiting authorities of institutions of local government the mayor of Tomsk together with the deputies of city council has addressed to the president of Russia.[12][13] At concluding the mayor under the sentinel his(its) daughter has declared, that the governor of Tomsk area Viktor Kress is involved also in arrest of its(her) father apart from Maltseva and Jidkih,[14] which one 2 days prior to detention of the mayor by the Moscow employees Federal Security Service[15] was in Moscow.[16]

On 26 December 2006 further charges were levelled against him by the prosecutors office after it was claimed that the police found large amounts of opium in his apartment.[17][18] 26 January to 2007 mayor was shown the charge in abusing official authorities in mercenary motives.[19] 24 марта в Европейский суд по правам человека была отправлена жалоба на арест мэра Томска и через месяц суд принял ее к рассмотрению.[20] 27 April the mayor was accused of obtaining a bribe(taken) in the large size (point « g » parts 4 articles 290 УК Russian Federation), wrongful participation in enterprise activity (article 289 УК Russian Federation) and in two abusing, again established sequences, by official authorities (part 2 articles 285 УК Russian Federation).[21] 12 March 2009 Alexander Makarov has scored in European court on human rights business against Russia. As it is marked in the communique of the Strasbourg court, since 5 February 2007 till 20 November 2008 the court prolonged six times term of his(its) concluding to prevent possible(probable) influencing Makarova on judicial proceedings. However, in opinion of Court, the Russian courts of justice insufficiently have justified, why the redemption Makarova can present danger to a course of proceeding. The court also has established, that because of the size and design of chambers " more than two years mister Макаров conducted a considerable proportion of day practically arrested to sand bed in the chamber with poor ventilation both illumination(lighting) and poor seclusion from the point of view of sanitary conditions ".[22] In one month (9 April) the Supreme Court of Russia has freed the mayor of Tomsk under a lien in 4 million.[23][24] 1 October 2010 Tomsk provincial courts by satisfying demands prosecutor's offices repeatedly has concluded Makarova under the sentinel. He ostensibly repeatedly upset the prohibition established by court on transfer(transmission) in СМИ of the items of information from sessions of the court, distorting thus the information and by that pressing on court.[25]

On 3 November, the jury found him guilty on 7 out of 9 charges against him.[26] On 15 November, The Tomsk provincial court it is ground of the verdict of the jury of the assessors has born a verdict of guilty on the mayor, discharged of the position, of Tomsk Alexandera Makarova, he is sentenced by 12 years of colony of a stringent mode.[27] The judgement by virtue of has not entered, is the most rigid sentence to the mayor of the Russian city.

18 октября 2011 коллегия по уголовным делам Верховного Суда оставила без удовлетворения жалобу адвокатов на обвинительный приговор мэру Томска. Приговор вступил в законную силу.[28] В связи со вступлением в силу приговора полномочия Макарова на посту мэра Томска были прекращены согласно уставу города.[29] 9 ноября осужденного Макарова перевели в исправительную колонию №4 города Томска.[30]


  1. Graft probe targeting Siberian mayor reveals large sums in cash | Russia | RIA Novosti. (13 December 2006). Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  2. Александра Макарова отстранили от занимаемой должности. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  3. Archived 12 January 2007 at the Wayback Machine.
  4. Томскому мэру предъявлены официальные обвинения. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  5. Официальное Заявление Мэра Томска Александра Макарова. (14 December 2006). Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  6. Официальное заявление мэра Томска Александра Макарова // Пресс-центр Александра Макарова, 9 января 2007
  7. Открытое письмо председателю областной думы Борису Мальцеву Archived 7 August 2007 at the Wayback Machine.
  8. Скупаем! Пока не подешевело! 6 ноября 2008
  9. Владимир Жидких предлагает отменить выборы мэров. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  10. Не единая Россия. Мэр-единорос против инициативы соратников по партии. (26 October 2006). Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  11. Совет Европы выступил в защиту мэров российских городов. (30 October 2006). Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  12. Депутаты Думы города Томска высказали свое мнение по поводу инициативы о внесении изменений в Федеральный Закон «Об общих принципах организации местного самоуправления в Российской Федерации» и в статью 8 Бюджетного Кодекса Российской Федерации". (31 October 2006). Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  13. Мэр Томска пошел против Путина?. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  14. Дочь мэра убеждена, что за дело её отца стоит областная администрация Archived 20 August 2011 at the Wayback Machine.
  15. «Вечерний Томск» Почему Бог не спас?. (11 November 2009). Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  16. Делегация Томской области вылетела в Москву 4 декабря 2006
  17. The search in a flat of the mayor was conducted only in 6 days (12 December) after his(its) detention on a workstation. Though the keys from a flat have collected for the relatives during a search of 7 December, therefore narcotics were thrown [ Илья Макаров ожидает провокаций. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  18. Заявление защиты 11 января 2007
  19. Бывшему мэру Томска предъявлено дополнительное обвинение. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  20. Законность ареста мэра Томска рассмотрит Страсбургский суд
  21. Арестованному мэру Томска предъявлено новое обвинение. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  22. Мэр Томска Макаров выиграл у России дело в Страсбургском суде. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  23. Мэра Томска Макарова освободили под залог. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  24. Суд освободил мэра Томска под залог в 4 млн рублей
  25. Бывший мэр Томска вернется в СИЗО. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  26. Без двух эпизодов заключенный. Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  27. Мэр Томска приговорен к 12-ти годам колонии. (15 November 2010). Retrieved on 30 November 2011.
  28. Вступил в законную силу обвинительный приговор мэру г. Томска
  29. Устав города Томска
  30. Осужденного экс-мэра Томска перевели из СИЗО в колонию

External links

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