Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment
Author Alexey V. Yablokov
Vassily B. Nesterenko
Alexey V. Nesterenko
Series Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 1181.
Subject Chernobyl disaster
Publisher Blackwell Publishing
Publication date
Published in English
ISBN 978-1-57331-757-3
OCLC 456185565

Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment is a translation of a 2007 Russian publication by Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko, edited by Janette D. Sherman-Nevinger, and originally published by the New York Academy of Sciences in 2009 in their Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences series.[1]

The primary author, the biologist Alexey V. Yablokov, is a member of the Russian Academy of Science, and was deputy chair of the commission of ecology of the USSR' Parliament (1989-1991), councillor on ecology and public health to the President of the Russian Federation (1991-1993) and chair of the state commission on dumping of radioactive wastes in seas surrounding the Russian Federation (1992-1993).[2] He is also a co-founder of Greenpeace Russia.[3] From 1977 to 1987, the late Prof. Vassily B. Nesterenko was the director of the Institute of Nuclear Energy at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The foreword of the book is authored by Dimitro M. Grodzinsky, chairman of the Ukrainian National Commission on Radiation Protection and chairman of the Department of General Biology at the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences.

The book presents an analysis of scientific literature and concludes that medical records between 1986, the year of the Chernobyl disaster, and 2004 reflect 985,000 premature deaths as a result of the radioactivity released. The authors suggest that most of the deaths were in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, though others occurred worldwide throughout the many countries that were struck by radioactive fallout from Chernobyl.[1] The literature analysis draws on over 1,000 published titles and over 5,000 internet and printed publications, primarily in Slavic languages (i.e. not translated in English), discussing the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. The authors contend that those publications and papers were written by leading Eastern European authorities and have largely been downplayed or ignored by the IAEA and UNSCEAR. The claim was made, notwithstanding the fact that 13 of the authors of the Chernobyl Forum were from Ukraine, Russia or Belarus.[4][5]

The book was not peer reviewed by the New York Academy of Sciences.[6][7] Five reviews were published in the academic press, with four of them considering the book severely flawed and contradictory, and one praising it while noting some shortcomings. The review by M. I. Balonov published by the New York Academy of Sciences concludes that the value of the report is negative, because it has very little scientific merit while being highly misleading to the lay reader. It also characterized the estimate of nearly a million deaths as more in the realm of science fiction than science.[8]


Two expert reviews of the book were commissioned by the Oxford journal Radiation Protection Dosimetry.[9] The first, by Dr. Ian Fairlie,[10] generally endorses the book's conclusions. Dr. Fairlie, a radiation biologist, was a scientific secretary to UK Government’s Committee Examining Radiation Risks from Internal Emitters [11] and one of two authors of the TORCH report commissioned by the European Green Party.[12] He greets the book as a

... welcome addition to the literature in English. The New York Academy of Sciences [is] to be congratulated for publishing this volume. [...] In the opinion of the reviewer, this volume makes it clear that international nuclear agencies and some national authorities remain in denial about the scale of the health disasters in their countries due to Chernobyl's fallout. This is shown by their reluctance to acknowledge contamination and health outcomes data, their ascribing observed morbidity/mortality increases to non-radiation causes, and their refusal to devote resources to rehabilitation and disaster management.

Fairlie notes two shortcomings of the book: that it does not sufficiently investigate the large decrease in average male life spans throughout Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, in both contaminated and uncontaminated areas; and that it does not make enough effort to reconstruct estimated doses of contamination and discuss their implications for eastern and western Europe (though Fairlie agrees with the authors that studies should not be rejected for failing to contain dose estimates—a criterion commonly applied by western nuclear agencies such as the IAEA).

Yablokov (left) and Vassili Nesterenko (farthest right) protesting in front of the World Health Organization (WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland in 2008.

Fairlie specifically concurs with Yablakov et al. on three points:

The second review (in the same volume), by Dr. Monty Charles,[13] is largely critical, noting several problems:

While Charles agrees with the importance of making eastern research more available in the west, he states that he cannot tell which of the publications referred to by the book would sustain critical peer-review in western scientific literature, and that verifying these sources would require considerable effort. Charles sees the book as representing one end of a spectrum of views, and believes that works from the entire spectrum must be critically evaluated in order to develop an informed opinion.

A third review by Mona Dreicer was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.[14] It was highly critical of the book's methodology:

... by discounting the widely accepted scientific method for associating cause and effect (while taking into account the uncertainties of dose assessment and measurement of impacts), the authors leave us with only with their assertion that the data in this volume "document the true scale of the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe."

The New York Academy of Sciences published a fourth review, by M. I. Balonov of Institute of Radiation Hygiene, St. Petersburg, Russia. The reviewer condemned the book for completely discounting dosimetry and radiation dose reconstruction, relying instead on inferior, simplistic methodologies, such as ecological and geographical techniques and tracking health indicators over time, which are known to give erroneous conclusions. He also noted the inexplicable selection of publications for analysis, which included media reports, websites of public organizations and even unidentified persons. At the same time, a lot of respected, peer-reviewed work from Russian-language authors was ignored.[8][15]

The value of this review is not zero, but negative, as its bias is obvious only to specialists, while inexperienced readers may well be put into deep error. ... Yablokov's assessment for the mortality from Chernobyl fallout of about one million ... puts this book in a range of rather science fiction than science.

A fifth review, by Sergei V. Jargin, was published in the journal Radiation and Environmental Biophysics which described Consequences as overestimating the health impacts and containing "poorly substantiated information".[16] A reply to this by Yablokov and A. Nesterenko was also published in the same issue.[17]

See also

External links


  1. 1 2 "Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 15 March 2011.
  2. ↑
  3. ↑
  4. ↑
  5. ↑ "Details". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 2011-03-15.
  6. ↑ Braaten, Douglas (2013-11-05). "Public Letter: A Report on Chernobyl". The New York Times. Retrieved 2014-04-15.
  7. ↑ New York Academy of Sciences (2010-04-28). "Statement on Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences volume entitled "Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment"". Retrieved 2011-09-15.
  8. 1 2 M. I. Balonov (2010-04-28). "Review of Volume 1181". New York Academy of Sciences. Retrieved 2011-09-15.
  9. ↑ "Radiation Protection Dosimetry".
  10. ↑ Fairlie, Ian (2010). "Chernobyl: Consequences of the catastrophe for people and the environment" (PDF). Radiation Protection Dosimetry (Oxford Journals) 141 (1): 97–101. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncq180.
  11. ↑
  12. ↑ Torch: The Other Report On Chernobyl summary
  13. ↑ Charles, Monty (2010). "Chernobyl: consequences of the catastrophe for people and the environment (2010)" (PDF). Radiation Protection Dosimetry 141 (1): 101–104. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncq185.
  14. ↑ Dreicer, Mona (2010). "Book Review: Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment". Environmental Health Perspectives 118: a500. doi:10.1289/ehp.118-a500.
  15. ↑ Note also Balonov, M. I. (2012). "On protecting the inexperienced reader from Chernobyl myths". Journal of Radiological Protection 32 (2): 181–9. doi:10.1088/0952-4746/32/2/181. PMID 22569279.
    "[Yablokov, et al] suggested a departure from analytical epidemiological studies in favour of ecological ones. This erroneous approach resulted in […] a clear exaggeration of radiation-induced health effects."
  16. ↑ Jargin, Sergei V. (2010). "Overestimation of Chernobyl consequences: poorly substantiated information published". Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (SpringerLink) 49 (4): 743–745. doi:10.1007/s00411-010-0313-1. PMID 20640449. Retrieved 25 March 2012.
  17. ↑ Yablokov, Alexey; Nesterenko, Alexey (2010). "Reply to letter by Jargin on "overestimation of Chernobyl consequences: poorly substantiated information published"". Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (SpringerLink) 49 (4): 747–748. doi:10.1007/s00411-010-0314-0. Retrieved 25 March 2012.
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