Alexis Michaud
Alexis Michaud is a French linguist specialised in the study of South-East Asian languages, especially Naic languages[1] and Vietnamese. He is also known for his work on the typology of tonal languages and as a foremost proponent of Panchronic phonology. He is one of the main editors of the Pangloss Collection. He currently works at the MICA Institute in Hanoi.
A documentary film entitled Sound hunter was made about his fieldwork in Yunnan, China.
Representative publications
- Michaud, Alexis 2004. Final consonants and glottalization: new perspectives from Hanoi Vietnamese. Phonetica 61 (2-3), 119-146.
- Michailovsky, Boyd; Michaud, Alexis (2006). "Syllabic inventory of a Western Naxi dialect, and correspondence with Joseph F. Rock’s transcriptions". Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 35 (1): 3–21. doi:10.3406/clao.2006.1745.
- Michaud, Alexis. (2006). Three extreme cases of neutralisation: nasality, retroflexion and lip-rounding in Naxi. Cahiers de linguistique Asie Orientale 35, 23-55. Available online.
- Michaud, Alexis (2006). "Three extreme cases of neutralisation: nasality, retroflexion and lip-rounding in Naxi". Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 35 (1): 23–55. doi:10.3406/clao.2006.1746.
- Michaud, Alexis. 2006. “Replicating in Naxi (Tibeto-Burman) an experiment designed for Yorùbá: An approach to ‘prominence-sensitive prosody’ vs. ‘calculated prosody’”, Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2006, Dresden. Available online.
- Michaud, Alexis and Martine Mazaudon 2008. Tonal contrasts and initial consonants: a case study of Tamang, a ‘missing link’ in tonogenesis. Phonetica 65, 231-256.
- Michaud, Alexis; Jacques, Guillaume; Rankin, Robert L. (2012). "Historical transfer of nasality between consonantal onset and vowel: from C to V or from V to C?". Diachronica 29 (2): 201–230.
- Michaud, Alexis (2012), "Monosyllabicization: Patterns of Evolution in Asian Languages", in Nicole Nau; Thomas Stolz; Cornelia Stroh, Monosyllables: From Phonology to Typology, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, pp. 115–130.
- ↑ Bureau du CNRS en Chine (2016). "A l’écoute des Naxi, sur les traces de Joseph Rock, Ge A-Gan et de l’enfant crapaud" (PDF). Le CNRS en Chine 21: 26-28. Retrieved 20 March 2016.
External links
- Professional page
- (Chinese) "Sound Hunter": A documentary film on Michaud's work (Tianjin TV, 2012)
- Publications available from the Open Archive HAL
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