Alliance of Renewal Churches

The Alliance of Renewal Churches (ARC) is a network of leaders and churches committed to creating and sustaining an atmosphere beneficial for kingdom relationships, transformation and mission so that souls may be saved, disciples made, and whole and healthy leaders developed.
The Alliance of Renewal Churches embraces the evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental streams of the Christian Faith. Members of the ARC celebrate, not merely tolerate, the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. The network is kingdom-driven while appreciating a shared Lutheran heritage. Growing in safe-place authentic relationships is a critical value in the ARC. Leaders in the ARC relate to one another as a band of brothers and sisters who are on mission together.
The group assumes a conservative, Lutheran theological base, but is not issues-oriented. Congregations and/or individual church leaders can join. Congregations can retain membership in other groups while belonging to the ARC or they can belong exclusively to the ARC.
The movement has two annual gatherings per year; one in the Southwest and one in the Midwest.
Worship in ARC churches tends to be very expressive and uninhibited and the messages tend to be followed by "ministry time" where those attending the service can come forward for personal prayer.