Almost ring

In mathematics, almost rings are the analogues of commutative rings in the "almost mathematics" introduced by Faltings (1988) in his study of p-adic Hodge theory. Roughly speaking, the word "almost" means "ignore m-torsion for a certain idempotent ideal m".


Suppose that V is a ring and m an ideal such that m2 = m and m âŠ— m is a flat V-module. An almost V module is an element of the category of V-modules modulo the full subcategory of modules killed by m; these form a tensor abelian category. An almost ring (or more precisely an almost V-algebra) is an almost V-module with a bilinear multiplication map satisfying some conditions similar to the axioms for a ring.


In the original paper by Faltings, V was the integral closure of a discrete valuation ring in the algebraic closure of its quotient field, and m its maximal ideal.


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