Alphonse Crespo

Alphonse Crespo (aka Luis Crespo) is a Swiss orthopedic surgeon. Founder in 2007 of Medicine & Liberty a medical network dedicated to the study and advocacy of liberty, ethics & market in medical services. President of the Cercle de philosophie politique Benjamin Constant at the Institut Libéral a Swiss free-market think tank. Author of Esculape Foudroyé, ed. Les Belles Lettres Paris 1991 and of numerous essays and articles such as Medicine: Deregulated or Dead , Black Market Medicine an Ethical alternative to State Control , Outlawing Medicine or The End of Welfare and its effect on the Poor. From Adam Smith to Karl Marx... and back Une sieste à La Havane & autres récits obituaires" (fiction). Amazon books of "La désobéissance civile" (2012) in "Libres" . Le serment d'Hippocrate et l'éthique de la liberté in "Au chevet du système de santé", ed. Institut Liberal 2013.. His writings advocate a libertarian approach to medical ethics and a full return of medicine to the free market.


    FMH - Swiss Federation of Doctors

    Medicine & Liberty,

    Amazon books,

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